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引用本文:郭 明,马利萍,李 凯,杨天一,张满让.不同砧木对普通型和短枝型富士系苹果花芽分化的影响[J].西北农业学报,2024,(1):77~89
摘要点击次数: 86
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郭 明,马利萍,李 凯,杨天一,张满让 (西北农林科技大学 园艺学院陕西杨凌 712100) 
中文关键词:苹果砧木  糖代谢  激素代谢  成花基因
Effects of Different Rootstocks on Flower Bud Differentiation of Common and Short-branched Fuji Apple
Abstract:In this study,the effects of different rootstocks on flower bud differentiation of common and short branch Fuji apples were investigated.Specifically,the T337 rootstock and M26 intermediate rootstock,commonly used in Baoji apple production,were selected for grafting with common Fuji ‘Nagafu No.2’ and short branch Fuji ‘Liquan Fuji’,respectively.The nutrient uptake and sucrose metabolism of apple leaves,hormone metabolism and flowering gene expression in short shoot apical buds of the four rootstock combinations were comprehensively evaluated the aim was to identify the optimal rootstock type for the Baoji area.The results showed that the T337 rootstock combination exhibited higher flowering rate and fuller spur buds compared with the M26 interstock combination when grafted on different rootstock types of the same Fuji variety.Moreover,during the period of flowering bud physiological differentiation,the T337 rootstock combination demonstrated significantly improved expression of sugar synthesis and accumulation,sucrose metabolism,hormone metabolism,and flowering genes compared to the M26 interstock combination.In conclusion,T337 rootstock is an optimal rootstock type for the Baoji area.
keywords:Apple rootstock  Glucose metabolism  Hormone metabolism  Flowering genes
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