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范钰琪,任嘉豪 (1.西北大学 化学与材料科学学院西安 7101272.东北大学 材料科学与工程学院沈阳 110819) 
中文摘要:旨在探究猪粪堆肥过程中添加纳米零价铁(NZVI)对堆肥碳循环的影响。将NZVI以干质量比0(T1)、2.5%(T2)、5%(T3)和7.5%(T4)与猪粪和枸杞枝条混合后,进行为期50 d的好氧堆肥。结果表明,在好氧堆肥过程中,堆肥有机质降解率随着NZVI添加比例增加而增加,但NZVI添加比例越高,富里酸和胡敏素降解速率越低。同时,NZVI添加增加CO2和CH4排放量,分别增加50.82%~1.04倍和1.28倍~1.51倍。进一步分析表明,NZVI的添加提高了Sphaerobacter 和 Luteimonas相对丰度,促进难降解有机物的降解率。此外,NZVI添加能促进堆肥的脱毒,降低堆肥产品的生物毒性。在堆肥过程中,添加NZVI没有观察到腐殖物质的显著增加,但促进了有机质降解和产品脱毒,因此可用于有机物料的快速堆肥化处理。
中文关键词:纳米零价铁  好氧堆肥  碳损失  碳循环
Mechanism for Effect of Nano-zero-valent Iron Addition on Carbon Cycling of Composting Pig Manure
Abstract:In this paper, the effect of adding Nano-zero-valent iron (NZVI) on cycling of pig manure composting was studied. The different dry matter ratios(0%,5%, 5% and 7.5%) were mixed with the pig manure and wolfberry branch filings powder, and composted aerobically for 50 days. The results showed that the addition of NZVI increased the degradation rate of organic matter while decreasing the degradation rate of fulric acid and humin. Moreover, NZVI addition increased CO2 and CH4 emissions by 50.82%-1.04 times and 1.28-1.51 times, respectively. The study also indicated that NZVI increased the degradation rate of refractory organic matter by increasing the relative abundance of Sphaerobacter and Luteimonas,furthermore, NZVI improved the detoxification effect of microorganisms and reduced the toxicity of compost products.Although NZVI addition did not significantly increased the humus content, but increased organic matter degradation and detoxification of composting. Overall, NZVI shows promise as an additive for organic waster reduction in composting
keywords:Nano-zero-valent-iron  Compost  Corbon loss  Corbon cycle
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