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摘要点击次数: 29
全文下载次数: 94
王海英,刘航空 (西北农林科技大学 园艺学院陕西杨凌 712100) 
中文关键词:番茄  DNA提取方法  适用性分析
Comparison of Different DNA Extraction Methods and Analysis of Its Applicability in Tomato
Abstract:In order to explore the applicability of different DNA extraction methods in biological experiments, we used five common methods to extract chromosome DNA in tomato(Solanum lycopersicum L.), and then we compared the DNA concentration, quality and applicability among these methods by using agarose gel electrophoresis, microultraviolet spectrophotometer and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The results showed that the alkaline lysis method was low in cost and easy to operate, however, the DNA concentration was the lowest and the quality was the worst. It was not universal and only suitable for general molecular detection by PCR. The SDS method and the improved CTAB method had multiple operation steps and complicated procedures. The concentration and quality of DNA were the best for almost all biological experiments, but the reagent used was toxic. The high salt with low pH method and PVP-40 method had simple operation steps, and the DNA with good concentration and quality had certain commonability. Moreover, the reagents used in this experiment were non-toxic. It is suggested that these two methods can be given priority in general biological experiments.
keywords:Tomato  DNA extraction methods  Applicability
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