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引用本文:路贵龙,代安国,土旦·吉热,张 凯,李艳锋.采前套袋及气调袋贮藏对拉萨‘新红星’苹果品质的影响[J].西北农业学报,2018,27(6):833~838
摘要点击次数: 355
全文下载次数: 84
路贵龙,代安国,土旦·吉热,张 凯,李艳锋 (西藏自治区农牧科学院 蔬菜研究所拉萨 850032) 
中文关键词:采前套袋  气调袋贮藏  拉萨  ‘新红星’苹果  品质
Effect of Pre-harvest Bagging and Modified-atmosphere Package Storage on Fruit Quality of ‘Starkrimson Delicious’ Apple Fruit in Lhasa
Abstract:In this paper,Lhasa ‘Starkrimson Delicious’ apple under the treatment of pre-harvest bagging and no preharvest bagging were used as material,storage under room temperature with and without modified-atmosphere package.The effect of pre-harvest bagging and modified-atmosphere package storage on fruit texture and physiological characteristics of Lhasa ‘Starkrimson Delicious’ apple were discussed.The fruit shape index,fruit mass,fruit density and fruit color differences after harvest,and the indexes of fruit hardness,total soluble solids(TSS),titratable acid and vitamin C mass fraction during the process of storage were examined.The results showed that the fruit mass increased by pre-harvest bagging,while the fruit density,fruit firmness,TSS mass fraction,titratable acid mass fraction and vitamin C mass fraction decreased.The fruit with pre-harvest bagging had bright color.The modified-atmosphere package could delay the decline of fruit hardness,TSS,titratable acid and vitamin C mass fraction were higher than that of the bagged fruit under the treatment of without pre-harvest bagging.The fruit with pre-harvest bagging showed better quality than un-bagged fruit,and the modified-atmosphere package storage could prolong the fruit shelf-life,especially the fruit under pre-harvest bagging treatment.
keywords:Pre-harvest bagging  Modified-atmosphere package storage  Lhasa  ‘Starkrimson Delicious’ apple  Quality
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