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引用本文:张雪玲,郗洛延,梁海燕,刘璐璐,廖允成,刘 杨,温晓霞.沟垄集雨种植模式下灌溉量对关中地区冬小麦产量和水分利用效率的影响[J].西北农业学报,2018,27(4):499~508
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张雪玲,郗洛延,梁海燕,刘璐璐,廖允成,刘 杨,温晓霞 (西北农林科技大学 农学院陕西杨凌 712100) 
中文摘要:为探讨在灌溉区沟垄集雨模式对冬小麦产量和水分利用效率及土壤水热特征的影响设置田间试验。试验设置沟垄集雨种植(R)和传统平作(F)2种种植方式,每种种植方式下设置0 m/hm2(N)、400 m/hm2(L)、1 200 m/hm2(M)和2 000 m/hm2(H)4种灌水量。结果表明:同一灌溉量下沟垄集雨种植0~10 cm土层的土壤温度在小麦生长前期较平作高,同时沟垄集雨种植模式0~100 cm土层的平均含水量在拔节期、开花期较平作种植高,其具有较好的蓄水保墒作用。各处理的总耗水量随灌溉量增加而增加,表现为RH>FH>RM>FM>RL>FL>RN>FN。沟垄集雨种植能促进小麦对土壤水分的利用,显著提高小麦产量,在小麦全生育季不灌溉、灌溉量为400、1 200和2 000 m/hm2的情况下,沟垄集雨种植处理产量分别较平作相同灌溉量处理高41.52%、70.00%、27.54%和14.35%。同时在8个处理中RM、RL处理的水分利用效率最高。因此,通过发挥沟垄集雨种植蓄水保墒以及改善水分分配的作用能够在灌溉农区小麦生产上达到节水增产增效的效果。
中文关键词:沟垄集雨种植  灌溉  冬小麦  产量  水分利用效率
Effects of Ridge-furrow Planting with Plastic Film Mulching and Irrigation on Grain Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Winter Wheat in Guanzhong Plain
Abstract:The objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of the ridge-furrow planting with plastic film mulching and irrigation on soil moisture, soil temperature, grain yield and water use efficiency(WUE) of winter wheat, in irrigation zone of Guanzhong plain.Two cultivation patterns (F:flat planting and R:ridge-furrow with plastic film mulching) and four irrigation amounts(0 m/hm2:N, 400 m/hm2:L,1 200 m/hm2: M and 2 000 m/hm2: H) were conducted in the present study. The results suggested that the soil temperature in 0-10 cm layer of ridge-furrow with plastic film mulching were higher than that of flat planting treatment at the early growth stage of wheat. Under the same irrigation level, the average soil moisture of 0-100 cm soil layer of ridge-furrow planting with plastic film mulching was higher than that of flat planting at jointing and flowering stage.The trend of total water consumption among the different treatment was RH>FH>RM>FM>RL>FL>RN>FN, which indicated that the total water consumption increased with the increasing of irrigation amount. The ridge-furrow planting with plastic film mulching notably promoted the utilization on soil moisture of wheat and it significantly increased the grain yield of wheat. The grain yield of the ridge-furrow planting with plastic film mulching was higher than flat planting by 14.52%, 70.00%, 27.54% and 14.35% when the irrigation amount was 0,400,1 200 and 2 000 m/hm2, respectively.RM and RL treatment had the highest WUE among the treatments. These results suggest that the ridge-furrow planting with plastic film mulching had positive effect on water saving and notably increased the grain yield of wheat in irrigation zone of Guanzhong plain by increasing water storage capacity, reducing evaporation and improving water distribution.
keywords:Ridge-furrow with plastic film mulching  Irrigation  Wheat  Yield  Water use efficiency (WUE)
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