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引用本文:刘 峰,任奕林,王恒志,魏春辉,邓宇玄,苑晓辰.不同造粒方式下复合肥颗粒特性的比较[J].西北农业学报,2016,25(10):1582~1590
摘要点击次数: 113
全文下载次数: 34
刘 峰,任奕林,王恒志,魏春辉,邓宇玄,苑晓辰 (1.华中农业大学 工学院武汉 4300702.杜肯索斯武汉通风系统工程有限公司湖北鄂州 436070) 
中文关键词:造粒  圆盘法  挤出-滚圆法  复合肥  颗粒特性检测
A Comparative Study on Fertilizer Particle Characteristics with Different Granulation Methods
Abstract:We studied the fertilizer granulation processes and particle characteristics by use two ways such as disc granulation and extrusion, spheronization in the processing of granulating compound fertilizer,and compared granulation process and differences on particle characteristics for optimizing particle formation methods,improving particles into the grain rate, improving particle shape and particle mechanical characteristics, so as to understand fertilizer granules well. The results showed that two processes of extrusion- spheronization for extrusion and spheronization can produce compound fertilizer granules with higher density, good stability, roundness and fluidity, relatively uniform in particle distribution by measuring indicators of particle characteristics.Fertilizer particles by disc had wide particle size distribution, high drying rate and fertilizer nutrient releasing speed.
keywords:Granulation  Disk granulation  Extrusion-spheronization granulation  Compound fertilizer  Particles characteristic detection
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