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摘要点击次数: 514
全文下载次数: 173
李丰玉,张艳玲 (榆林职业技术学院陕西榆林 719000) 
中文关键词:榆神府矿区  农业用水  安全性  水质分析
Safety Analysis on Agricultural Water of Yulin-Shenmu-Fugu Mining Area
Abstract:The large-scale development of coal resources in Yulin-Shenmu-Fugu mining area brings a great safety threat to agricultural water there.Using the water quality monitoring data released in 2011-2014, this paper, firstly, analyzed the status quo of water quality based on surface water function area division and then made an estimation on green food production.The results showed that the comprehensive pollution index of surface water is between 0.292 to 0.478, some agricultural water of Yulin-Shenmu-Fugu mining area complies with the water quality standard Ⅲ.However, many water faults of the upstream of Kuye River are in poor conditions the COD exceeding rate is up to 100% in 2013-2014 and some indexes are classified as standard Ⅳ.Most water faults satisfy the green food production environment requirement with a tiny pH value over-standard of some water faults.To prevent pollution in agricultural water, water quality monitor should be strengthened and intensified and more research on agricultural water monitoring should be carried out.
keywords:Yulin-Shenmu-Fugu Mining area  Agricultural water  Safety  Water quality analysis
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