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引用本文:李 强,顾元国,张艳红,张 乐,贾东海,王 娟,陈跃华.新疆旱寒区不同种植密度对超强抗寒冬油菜光合生理及产量的影响[J].西北农业学报,2014,23(11):62~69
摘要点击次数: 238
全文下载次数: 183
李 强,顾元国,张艳红,张 乐,贾东海,王 娟,陈跃华 (1.新疆农业科学院 经济作物研究所乌鲁木齐 8300912. 新疆农业科学院拜城试验站新疆拜城 8423003. 吉林市农业科学院吉林 吉林 132101) 
中文关键词:旱寒区  冬油菜  种植密度  光合生理  产量
Effects of Plant Density on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Yield of Cold Resistance Winter Rapeseed in Dry and Cold Areas of Xinjiang
Abstract:The winter rapeseed dry-matter accumulation, photosynthetic and yield with different plant densities in dry and cold areas of Xinjiang were studied. The results showed the process of the winter rapeseed dry-matter accumulation could be simulated with Logistic curve. Speed of dry-matter accumulation showed a single peak curve. With the increase of density the dry-matter accumulation decreased. Plant density had certain influence on photosynthetic characteristics, dry-matter accumulation and yield of winter rapeseed. Under planting density of 30×10-60×10 plant/hm, the photosynthetic indexes and yield of winter rapeseed increased with the increasing density. But when the planting density was up to 60×10 plant/hm,the yield reduced with the increased planting density.
keywords:Dry and cold areas  Winter rapeseed  Plant density  Photosynthetic  Yield
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