Abstract:Oasis was a small and medium scale zonal ecological landscape, and the basic places to sustain human activities and developments in the arid area. Under the influence of the increasing human activities and the change of global climate, oasis change (Oasification and desertification) was not only the most direct reflect of environmental change in the arid area, but also was one of the most active research fields of land degradation and regional sustainable development. Recently, the interaction mechanism between oasis change and landscape pattern had been regarded as an important content of regional environmental change research in arid areas. In China, oases were mainly distributed in temperate and warm temperate desert areas, but only took up 4%-5% of the total area of the northwestern China. However, more than 90% of the population and 95% of social wealth were concentrated within these oases. Jinta oasis located in the Hexi Corridor in arid northwestern China, was not only a typical oasis with long agricultural history, but also was an agro-pastoral transitional zone and ecologically fragile area. Due to the rapid growth of population, economic pressure and excess exploitation using the resources, the ecological environment and sustainable development of Jinta oasis were greatly affected. Therefore, we took Jinta oasis as a case to study oasis spatio-temporal change from 1963 to 2009 and its influence on the landscape pattern. Based on Keyhole satellite photograph in the 1963, Landsat MSS images in the 1973, TM and ETM images from 1986 to 2009, the land cover were divided into two categories: oasis and desert. Oasis included farmland, grassland, woodland, water and residential area which based on classification criteria of Chinese National Technical Standard for Land-Use Survey; desert included salinized land, bare land, desert, Gobi and low coverage grassland which the vegetation cover degree ≤ 15%.The results were tested by the field investigation, the GPS sampling and interview with local people. After then, the process, trend and spatial pattern change in Jinta oasis and the characteristic of landscape pattern changes were analyzed by a set of mathematical statistical models and indice of landscape ecology. The results showed that: Jinta oasis was being in an unbalanced state, oasis scale and area expanded gradually with an increase of 167.37km2 during the period of 1963-2009. Simultaneously, the area of Jinta oasis achieved its maximum with 523.17km2 in 2009. The conversion between oasis and non-oasis was frequent and violent and showed a state of imbalance-balance-extreme imbalance condition, although the degree of conversion was different in different periods. And then, most change of the oasis happened as the reclamation of abandoned land and desert area, especially in the inner and outer marginal area of oasis, such as Yangjingziwan township, Xiba township, Sanhe-Dongba -Dazhuangzi township zone, Jinta-Zhongdong township zone. The area, size and spatial distribution of oasis influenced by human activity had resulted in fundamental changes of oasis landscape pattern. The fractal characteristics, dispersion degree and fragmentation of Jinta oasis were decreased, and the oasis landscape tended to be simple and uniform. All in all, in the latest 46 years, the spatio-temporal change of Jinta oasis drove the change of local landscape pattern to the decrease of the diversity, complex structure and landscape heterogeneity.