



Landscape connectivity analysis for the forest landscape restoration: a case study of Gongyi City

Institute of Natural Resources and Environmental Science Research,Henan University,Institute of Natural Resources and Environmental Science Research,Henan University,College of Environment Planning,Henan University

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    景观连接度是研究景观促进或阻碍生物体或某种生态过程在斑块间运动的程度。基于景观连接度原理,借用景观连接度指数,在地理信息系统支持下,探讨了巩义市丘陵和低山地区森林景观在不同景观距离阈值下连接度的变化,确定了分析森林景观连接度的合适距离阈值。在此基础上分析了要恢复为森林景观的农业斑块的重要值的大小,确定了对要恢复为森林景观的每一农业景观斑块对新形成的森林景观的连接度贡献大小,并结合区域地形特征,明确了森林恢复之初的重要斑块的选取及恢复的先后次序。结果显示,在不同的距离阈值下,低山地区森林景观的整体连通性指数值(IIC)都大于丘陵地区森林景观的IIC值;森林景观的适宜距离阈值,在丘陵地区可选择750 m,在低山地区可选择500 m,或者更小尺度;通过农业景观斑块重要值(dIIC)确定的对森林景观连接度作用起"非常高"和"高"的斑块的数量非常少,但对森林景观连接度的贡献作用却比较大。提出的基于景观连接来分析在森林恢复时重要斑块的选取的方法,具有一定的可操作性与实用性,对区域生态恢复和生态建设具有重要意义。


    Landscape connectivity is the degree to which the landscape facilitates or impedes the movement of organisms or ecological processes among patches. The maintenance of landscape connectivity is one of the key issues in ecological conservation and construction. The Conversion From Farmland to Forest is a long-term ecological project in China. However, along with the rapid urbanization and industrialization in China, the relationships between landscape connectivity and forest restoration has not been fully explored. The emergent questions concern the connectivity of restored forest landscapes, whether or not this connectivity benefits the local flora and fauna, and how to evaluate the importance of agricultural patches that are to be converted prior to the onset of forest restoration.
    Based on the theory of landscape connectivity, the forest connectivity in Gongyi City, Henan Province is investigated using indicators such as the number of components (NC), the integral index of connectivity (IIC) and the importance value of IIC (dIIC). With the help of GIS, we examined how landscape connectivity of the forest in the hilly and low mountain areas varied according to distance threshold values ranging from 50 meters to 10000 meters, and identified the most appropriate distance threshold values for analyzing forest landscape connectivity. On this basis, we then looked into the importance values of the agricultural patches that were to be converted, determined the contribution of each pre-conversion agricultural patch to the connectivity of the future forest landscape, and elucidated the selection criteria and restoration priorities of important patches in the early stages of forest restoration according to local topographical features.
    The results show that the low mountain forest has higher IIC values than the forest in the hilly areas under all distance thresholds. The most appropriate distance threshold for hilly areas is 750 meters, and 500 meters or less for low mountains. The dIIC values indicate that few patches are in the "very high" and "high" categories of contribution to forest landscape connectivity: three arid land patches in the hilly areas (respectively 35.14, 20.16 km2 and 15.39 km2 in descending order of importance value, accounting for 17.06%, 9.79% and 7.47% of the total hilly arid land area) and five arid land patches in the low mountains (respectively 3.65, 2.47, 1.35, 1.96 km2 and 1.15 km2 in descending order of importance value, accounting for 10.05%, 6.80%, 3.71%, 5.38% and 3.167% of the total low mountain arid land area). We also determined the preferable sequence of converting farmland to forest according to the topographical features, especially the slope characteristics, of the arid land patches in the "very high" and "high" categories.
    The case study shows that the analysis of landscape connectivity should be used as a criterion for selecting important patches in forest restoration planning. The analytical method introduced in this paper is relatively easy to implement, and thus has application potentials in ecological restoration management.

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