
吴文斌, 常金彪, 邱亚峰

吴文斌, 常金彪, 邱亚峰. 可见光靶源光学系统的设计与分析[J]. 应用光学, 2015, 36(1): 114-118. DOI: 10.5768/JAO201536.0105005
引用本文: 吴文斌, 常金彪, 邱亚峰. 可见光靶源光学系统的设计与分析[J]. 应用光学, 2015, 36(1): 114-118. DOI: 10.5768/JAO201536.0105005
Wu Wen-bin, Chang Jin-biao, Qiu Ya-feng. Design and analysis of optical system about visible light source target[J]. Journal of Applied Optics, 2015, 36(1): 114-118. DOI: 10.5768/JAO201536.0105005
Citation: Wu Wen-bin, Chang Jin-biao, Qiu Ya-feng. Design and analysis of optical system about visible light source target[J]. Journal of Applied Optics, 2015, 36(1): 114-118. DOI: 10.5768/JAO201536.0105005



    吴文斌(1991-),男,江西贵溪人,硕士研究生,主要从事光机电系统设计工作。Email: 793438562@qq.com


    吴文斌(1991-),男,江西贵溪人,硕士研究生,主要从事光机电系统设计工作。Email: 793438562@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: TN202

Design and analysis of optical system about visible light source target

  • 摘要: 飞机侦察系统性能判断是通过野外与实验室测试两种方式进行验证的。在实验室建立可见光靶源,放置在二维转台上,利用卤素灯、美军标靶源、光学系统模拟远距离目标,在规定的技术指标的基础上,设计出可见光靶源光学系统。通过光路设计、温度场分析,计算出光路束散角,设计出光阑孔,分析温度变化对光学镜片的影响,通过精密测微自准直仪检测,所有形变量均为微米级,验证了其光学设计的可靠性,满足飞机侦察系统的测试要求。
    Abstract: The evaluation of aircraft reconnaissance system was executed by wild test and laboratory test. We created the visible light target in laboratory, then put it on an two-dimensional turntable to simulate a long-distance target, utilizing halogen lamp, US army target source and optical system. The optical system of visible light target source was designed to meet the required technical indicators. The light beam angle was calculated and the diaphragm hole was designed on the foundation of light path design and temperature field analysis. The temperature variation-s impact on optical lens was analyzed to verify the reliability of the optical design. Results show that the testing requirement of aircraft reconnaissance system could be met.
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  • 收稿日期:  2014-04-15
  • 修回日期:  2014-09-11
  • 刊出日期:  2015-01-14


