Cancer Communications
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doi: 10.5732/cjc.011.10213
Schwannoma of the conus medullaris: a rare case
Suat Canbay, Askin Esen Hasturk, Fatma Markoc, Sukru Caglar
Department of Neurosurgery, Oncology Training and Research Hospital, Demetevler, Ankara 06200, Turkey
[Abstract] Intradural schwannoma of the conus medullaris is a rare form of spinal neoplasm, which commonly occurs in the lumbar region. Conus medullaris level is unusual for schwannomas. A 49-year-old woman presented with chronic sciatica, mild bladder dysfunction, and paresthesia in the buttocks. Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine showed a mass lesion in the conus medullaris region with nerve compression. The tumor was completely resected and diagnosed histologically as schwannoma. The patient recovered after surgery. Clinical and radiologic features of this rare tumor are reviewed and are accompanied by literature findings.
Chinese Journal of Cancer 2011, Volume: 30, Issue 12, Page: 867-870
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Suat Canbay, Askin Esen Hasturk, Fatma Markoc, Sukru Caglar. Schwannoma of the conus medullaris: a rare case. Chin J Cancer. 2011, 30(12):867-870. doi:10.5732/cjc.011.10213

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