ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展 ›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (8): 1305-1313.

• 研究前沿 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (西南大学心理学院, 重庆 400715)
  • 收稿日期:2011-02-21 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2012-08-15 发布日期:2012-08-15

Employee’s Job Crafting: A New Perspective of Job Design

ZHANG Chun-Yu;WEI Jia;CHEN Xie-Ping;ZHANG Jin-Fu   

  1. (School of Psychology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China)
  • Received:2011-02-21 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2012-08-15 Published:2012-08-15

摘要: 工作重塑是从员工角度进行的自下而上的工作再设计方式, 突破了从组织角度进行的自上而下的方式, 强调员工改变的主动性。工作重塑存在多种类型, 如任务重塑、关系重塑和认知重塑, 以及个人工作重塑和合作工作重塑等。工作重塑与主动性人格、生涯取向、自主性、人-环境不匹配等因素之间存在密切联系, 并对工作满意度、工作意义感、工作投入、工作绩效和组织承诺等具有积极预测作用。未来研究要加强工作重塑的纵向研究, 深入探讨工作重塑的影响机制, 开展其消极后果的研究, 同时国内研究还要考虑到传统文化和集体主义文化对工作重塑的影响。

关键词: 工作重塑, 工作设计, 主动性行为, 工作满意度, 工作绩效

Abstract: Job crafting is defined as a bottom-up way in which employees redesign their job. It complements classic top-down view of job design through emphasizing the proactive change behavior. Job crafting has been categorized to several forms, including task crafting, relational crafting and cognitive crafting, individual job crafting and collaborative job crafting. Job crafting is related to proactive personality, career orientation, autonomy and person-environment misfit. Job crafting could predict numerous positive outcomes, including job satisfaction, work meaning, work engagement, job performance and organizational commitment. However, job crafting is investigated mostly through qualitative research or research based on correlational design. Researches in the future are suggested to develop the longitudinal design to address the long−term consequences of job crafting. Additionally, the influence mechanism and negative consequences of job crafting are also necessary to be further explored. Local researchers should consider the influences of Chinese traditional culture and collectivism culture on job crafting.

Key words: job crafting, job design, proactive behavior, job satisfaction, job performance