Ad Hoc网络中基于拓扑透明特性的混合MAC协议

Supported by the Communications Equipment Pre-Research Project of the National ‘Eleventh Five-Year-Plan’ of China under Grant No.2070811001030107 (“十一五”通信装备预研项目)

Topology-Transparent Hybrid MAC Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks
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    针对ad hoc网络,提出了基于拓扑透明特性的混合MAC协议——TTHM协议(topology-transparent hybrid MAC protocol).TTHM协议在T-TSMA(threaded time spread multiple access protocol)协议所提出的螺纹协议机制的基础上引入了混合接入策略,能够根据当前的网络拓扑与业务负载,有效利用节点的分配与未分配时隙来进行报文传输.由于TTHM协议具有拓扑透明特性且克服了最大节点密度限制,因此便于分布式应用.仿真结果表明,TT


    A topology-transparent protocol, called topology-transparent hybrid MAC (TTHM) protocol is proposed for ad hoc networks. The proposed protocol is based on a protocol threading technique which is the basis of the threaded time spread multiple access (T-TSMA) protocol and a hybrid channel access strategy. According to the current network topology and traffic load, the proposed TTHM protocol can control each node to utilize its assigned slots and its non-assigned slots effectively. TTHM protocol is suitable for distributed application since it keeps the advantage of the topology transparency and eliminates the maximum nodal degree constraint. After the TTHM protocol is presented, its performance is analyzed. Simulation results show that the proposed TTHM protocol is better than the T-TSMA protocol.

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    发 布

李卫,王杉,魏急波. Ad Hoc网络中基于拓扑透明特性的混合MAC协议.软件学报,2009,20(6):1642-1650

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  • 收稿日期:2007-09-12
  • 最后修改日期:2008-07-24
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