中华皮肤科杂志 ›› 2021, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (12): 1048-1056.doi: 10.35541/cjd.20210561

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[开放获取]    中国光线性角化病临床诊疗专家共识(2021)

中国康复医学会皮肤病康复专业委员会    中华医学会皮肤性病学分会光动力治疗研究中心    中国医学装备协会皮肤病与皮肤美容分会光医学治疗装备学组   

  1. 中国康复医学会皮肤病康复专业委员会    中华医学会皮肤性病学分会光动力治疗研究中心    中国医学装备协会皮肤病与皮肤美容分会光医学治疗装备学组
  • 收稿日期:2021-08-04 修回日期:2021-09-25 发布日期:2021-12-01
  • 通讯作者: 王秀丽;顾恒;陈翔 E-mail:wangxiuli_1400023@tongji.edu.cn;guheng@aliyun.com; chenxiangck@126.com

Expert consensus on clinical diagnosis and treatment of actinic keratosis in China(2021)

Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Dermatology; Photodynamic Therapy Research Center, Chinese Society of Dermatology; Photomedicine Therapeutic Equipment Group, Committee on Skin Disease and Cosmetic Dermatology, China Association of Medical Equipment   

  1. Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Dermatology; Photodynamic Therapy Research Center, Chinese Society of Dermatology; Photomedicine Therapeutic Equipment Group, Committee on Skin Disease and Cosmetic Dermatology, China Association of Medical Equipment
  • Received:2021-08-04 Revised:2021-09-25 Published:2021-12-01
  • Contact: Wang Xiuli; Gu Heng;Chen Xiang E-mail:wangxiuli_1400023@tongji.edu.cn;guheng@aliyun.com; chenxiangck@126.com

摘要: 【摘要】 光线性角化病是一种慢性进行性癌前病变,可进展为皮肤鳞状细胞癌。随着中国患病人数逐渐增多,亟须建立合适的诊断及治疗规范。中国康复医学会皮肤病康复专业委员会、中华医学会皮肤性病学分会联合中国医学装备协会皮肤病与皮肤美容分会组织光线性角化病相关领域部分专家,在国内外文献数据、国际指南和专家临床经验的基础上,结合我国诊疗现状,制定中国光线性角化病临床诊疗专家共识。本共识从光线性角化病的流行病学、发病因素及临床转归、临床表现及分级、诊断及鉴别诊断、治疗策略和患者教育管理等方面进行阐述,诊断方面包含了皮肤镜、反射式共聚焦显微镜和皮肤病理等手段,治疗策略涵盖了常见局部治疗和系统治疗方法,局部治疗包括光动力治疗、外用药物、物理治疗和手术切除,且按照证据等级给予推荐级别,为皮肤科医师诊疗工作提供参考。

关键词: 角化病, 光化性, 诊断, 治疗学, 专家共识

Abstract: 【Abstract】 Actinic keratosis is a chronic and progressive precancerous disease, which may develop into cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. With the gradual increase in the number of patients with actinic keratosis in China, there is an urgent need to establish appropriate diagnostic and treatment standards. Therefore, Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Dermatology, Chinese Society of Dermatology and Committee on Skin Disease and Cosmetic Dermatology, China Association of Medical Equipment organized relevant experts on actinic keratosis to formulate a consensus on clinical diagnosis and treatment of actinic keratosis in China based on Chinese and international literature, international guidelines on actinic keratosis, clinical experience, as well as current status of diagnosis and treatment of actinic keratosis in China. This consensus elaborates on epidemiology, pathogenic factors and clinical outcomes, clinical manifestations and classification, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, and treatment strategies of actinic keratosis, as well as patient education. Besides histopathology, newly developed dermoscopy and reflectance confocal microscopy are also included in the diagnostic methods. Treatment strategies include common topical treatments (including photodynamic therapy, topical drugs, physical therapy, and surgical resection)and systemic treatments, and recommendations are formulated according to the level of evidence. It is hoped that this consensus can provide a reference for dermatologists in the management of actinic keratosis.

Key words: Keratosis, actinic, Diagnosis, Therapeutics, Expert consensus


中国康复医学会皮肤病康复专业委员会 中华医学会皮肤性病学分会光动力治疗研究中心 中国医学装备协会皮肤病与皮肤美容分会光医学治疗装备学组. [开放获取]    中国光线性角化病临床诊疗专家共识(2021)[J]. 中华皮肤科杂志, 2021,54(12):1048-1056. doi:10.35541/cjd.20210561

Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Dermatology, Photodynamic Therapy Research Center, Chinese Society of Dermatology, Photomedicine Therapeutic Equipment Group, Committee on Skin Disease and Cosmetic Dermatology, China Association of Medical Equipment. Expert consensus on clinical diagnosis and treatment of actinic keratosis in China(2021)[J]. Chinese Journal of Dermatology, 2021, 54(12): 1048-1056.doi:10.35541/cjd.20210561