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Seismic Response Analyses of Continuous Beam Bridge in SlopeChinese Full TextEnglish Full Text (MT)

YU Zehong;JIAO Zhipeng;Central South University;

Abstract: A three-dimensional finite element model was established to investigated the dynamic performances of a continuous beam bridge in a slope field, in which the seismic displacement and acceleration responses at representative locations in structural system were analyzed in detail, such as the midpoints and peaks of piles, piers, as well as the midpoints of primary and secondary beam spans. The analyses showed that the seismic displacement and acceleration responses of the calculation points were closely related to their relative positions in slope and structure, those upside the slope or close to the edge piles generally possessed relatively larger seismic lateral displacements, and their displacement time history curves fluctuated relatively violently, especially in the edge piles and beam spans. The seismic displacement of the middle pile upside the slope was smaller than those of the downside. In most of the time points, the earthquake acceleration amplitudes of the pile located in the central and downside slope were larger than those of the upside, while maximum accelerations were not at all. Overall, acceleration responses of those located at edge pile were relatively more powerfully; The calculation values of the pier seismic accelerations appeared discrete comparatively, although there was little difference between the edge and the side piers, they were still larger than those of the middle piers by 70%. At some time, the seismic acceleration response of middle span was greater than those of the edge and side spans, but the acceleration response of edge primary beam was the largest one. In addition, acceleration response of the side secondary beam was larger than those of the middle and the edge secondary spans, even greater than that of the side primary beam.
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  • Series:

    (C) Architecture/ Energy/ Traffic/ Electromechanics, etc

  • Subject:

    Highway and Waterway Transportation

  • Classification Code:


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