Countermeasures and Thoughts for High-quality Development of Yunnan Natural Rubber Industry
投稿时间:2022-10-20  修订日期:2022-10-20
中文关键词: 天然橡胶  高质量发展  橡胶树种植  产业链  生态化
英文关键词: NR  high-quality development  rubber tree planting  industrial chain  ecology  intensification
孙向前* 云南省科学技术发展研究院 2364266601@qq.com 
黎晟沅 云南省科学技术发展研究院  
摘要点击次数: 816
全文下载次数: 863
      As one of the pillar industries of agriculture in Yunnan province,Yunnan natural rubber(NR) industry is leading in terms of planting area,total output and output per unit area in China,and shoulders the important mission of ensuring the supply of the NR resources in our country. Based on the current development situation of Yunnan NR industry and existing problems in the development,the industrial development strategy is put forward. The main development goals are improving the support capacity, improving the production capacity and enhancing the development capacity. Therefore,Yunnan should further consolidate the foundation of the NR industry chain and supply chain,promote the green ecological transformation of the industry,speed up the cultivation of major industrial entities and platforms,strengthen the scientific and technological support of the whole industry chain,strengthen the role of the NR industry in the economic development,and promote the high-quality development of Yunnan NR industry.
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
SUN Xiangqian Yunnan Academy of Science and Technology Development 2364266601@qq.com 
LI Shengyuan Yunnan Academy of Science and Technology Development  
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