Effect of Molecular Structure of Functional Resin on Properties of Damping Rubber Materials
投稿时间:2021-06-29  修订日期:2021-06-29
中文关键词: 橡胶阻尼材料  天然橡胶  功能树脂  分子结构  阻尼性能  损耗因子
英文关键词: damping rubber material  NR  SBR  functional resin  molecular structure  damping property  loss factor
陈 强* 彤程新材料集团股份有限公司 andy.chen@rachem.com 
王光辉 彤程新材料集团股份有限公司  
李红伟 彤程新材料集团股份有限公司  
张 成 彤程新材料集团股份有限公司  
摘要点击次数: 1348
全文下载次数: 559
      The effects of functional resins with different molecular structures on the properties of damping rubber materials based on natural rubber(NR) and its blend with styrene butadiene rubber(SBR) were studied,and the methods to improve the damping properties of damping rubber materials were explored. Adjusting the loss factor(tanδ) curves of damping rubber materials by functional resins was an effective method to maintain their high elasticity and improve their damping properties. The difference in compatibility between resins with different molecular structures and rubber had great significance for adjusting the tanδ curves of damping rubber materials used in different temperature ranges. The test results showed that the tanδ of damping rubber materials in a specific temperature range could be improved by adjusting the resin molecular structures,so as to improve the damping properties of damping rubber products.
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
CHEN Qiang Red Avenue New Materials Group Co.Ltd andy.chen@rachem.com 
WANG Guanghui Red Avenue New Materials Group Co.Ltd  
LI Hongwei Red Avenue New Materials Group Co.Ltd  
ZHANG Cheng Red Avenue New Materials Group Co.Ltd  
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