Study on Cracking Mechanism of Waste Rubber
投稿时间:2019-08-08  修订日期:2019-08-08
中文关键词: 废旧橡胶  天然橡胶  顺丁橡胶  丁苯橡胶  溴化丁基橡胶  裂解机理  热分析  质量损失速率
英文关键词: waste rubber  NR  BR  SBR  BIIR  cracking mechanism  thermal analysis  mass loss rate
尹凤福 青岛科技大学 机电工程学院 871143873@qq.com 
张 超* 青岛科技大学 机电工程学院 871143873@qq.com 
庄虔晓 青岛科技大学 机电工程学院  
汪传生 青岛科技大学 机电工程学院  
郭 磊 青岛科技大学 机电工程学院  
徐衍辉 青岛科技大学 机电工程学院  
摘要点击次数: 809
全文下载次数: 190
      The cracking mechanism of waste rubber was studied by thermogravimetric-derivative thermogravimetric analysis and thermogravimetric-differential scanning analysis of NR,BR,SBR,BIIR and NR/BR/SBR/BIIR blends. The results showed that the cracking reaction process of NR and BIIR was similar,which had only one obvious mass loss process and one peak mass loss rate. The cracking reaction process of BR and SBR was similar,which was divided into two stages. The first stage had a small mass loss,and the second stage had a larger mass loss. The cracking reaction process of NR/BR/SBR/BIIR blends was similar to that of BR,and the characteristic temperature of the cracking reaction was close.
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
YIN Fengfu Qingdao University of Science and Technology 871143873@qq.com 
ZHANG Chao Qingdao University of Science and Technology 871143873@qq.com 
ZHUANG Qianxiao Qingdao University of Science and Technology  
WANG Chuansheng Qingdao University of Science and Technology  
GUO Lei Qingdao University of Science and Technology  
XU Yanhui Qingdao University of Science and Technology  
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