Finite Element Analysis of Rotating Cutter for Rubber Slab Feeder
投稿时间:2019-11-01  修订日期:2019-11-01
中文关键词: 胶片导切机  旋转刀  刀片  破碎强度  安装偏角  刀刃宽度  有限元分析
英文关键词: rubber slab feeder  rotating cutter  blade  breaking strength  installation deflection angle  edge width  finite element analysis
杨 钊* 青岛软控机电工程有限公司 qust2013@126.com 
滕贻健 南通润邦重机有限公司  
摘要点击次数: 1208
全文下载次数: 203
      Based on the finite element analysis method,the strength of the rotating cutter blade for the rubber slab feeder of the mixer upper auxiliary system was analyzed,and the structure design and material selection of the rotating cutter blade were optimized according to the analysis results. The results showed that the traditional mechanical breaking strength(Pb) theory was not suitable for the cutting process of the rotating cutter for the rubber slab feeder. When the shear force(F2)was fixed,the stress of the rotating cutter blade could be lowered by reducing the installation deflection angle or increasing the edge width(W) of the blade,and thus the cracking of the blade was reduced and the service life of the blade was extended. At the same time,the manufacturing cost of the blade could be reduced by replacing the material and heat treatment method. Under the condition of certain F2 and Pb,properly increasing W could reduce the sharpening frequency and maintenance cost of the rubber slab feeder.
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
YANG Zhao Qingdao MESNAC Machinery and Electric Engineering Co,Ltd qust2013@126.com 
TENG Yijian Nantong Rainbow Heavy Machineries Co,Ltd  
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