中国全科医学 ›› 2020, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (16): 2080-2084.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2019.00.190

所属专题: 运动相关研究最新文章合集

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  1. 1.300040天津市和平区小白楼街社区卫生服务中心 2.120000天津市,天津中医药大学研究生院
  • 出版日期:2020-06-05 发布日期:2020-06-05

Exercise Status of Elderly Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Its Influencing Factors in Community 

WANG Zhuo1*,YE Tong2,LIU Huihui2   

  1. 1.Xiaobailou Street Community Health Service Center of Heping District,Tianjin 300040,China
    2.Graduate College,Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Tianjin 120000,China
    *Corresponding author:WANG Zhuo,Attending physician;
  • Published:2020-06-05 Online:2020-06-05

摘要: 背景 运动锻炼在2型糖尿病患者的综合管理中占重要地位,但目前我国关于糖尿病患者运动锻炼状况的研究较少,尤其是针对老年糖尿病患者运动锻炼状况的调查。目的 了解社区老年2型糖尿病患者的运动锻炼状况,并分析其影响因素,从而为制定有针对性的干预措施提供依据。方法 于2017年6—9月采用方便抽样法,选取在天津市和平区小白楼街社区卫生服务中心就诊的老年2型糖尿病患者进行问卷调查,问卷主要包括一般资料调查表和“老年糖尿病患者运动锻炼评估量表”两部分。共发放问卷230份,回收有效问卷224份(97.4%)。结果 老年2型糖尿病患者的平均运动锻炼得分为(116.70±8.24)分,运动知识、运动意愿、运动行为、社会支持、专业支持5个维度条目水平的平均得分分别为(4.12±0.35)、(3.44±0.38)、(2.93±0.70)、(2.89±0.71)、(2.59±0.67)分。多元逐步线性回归分析结果显示,BMI、主要生活来源、子女数量、糖尿病家族史、糖尿病病程、是否发生过低血糖反应、有无骨关节病是社区老年2型糖尿病患者运动锻炼得分的影响因素(P<0.05)。结论 社区老年2型糖尿病患者运动锻炼的专业支持和社会支持不佳,生活状况和患病状况均会影响其运动锻炼情况。医务人员、患者家属及社会各界应加强运动锻炼在糖尿病防控方面的重视程度,针对不同的个体开展针对性、专业化的健康指导,并给予其相应的帮助与支持,提高其生活质量。

关键词: 糖尿病, 2型;身体锻炼;影响因素分析;健康管理;社区卫生服务;老年人

Abstract: Background Physical exercise plays an important role in the comprehensive management of patients with type 2 diabetes.However,there are few studies on the exercise status of diabetic patients in China,especially the investigation on the exercise status of elderly patients with type 2 diabetes.Objective To investigate the exercise status of elderly patients with type 2 diabetes in community,and analyze its influencing factors so as to provide a basis for formulating targeted interventions.Methods A convenient sampling method was used to select elderly patients with type 2 diabetes who were treated at Xiaobailou Street Community Health Service Center of Heping District of Tianjin from June to September in 2017.A General Information Questionnaire and an Exercise Assessment Scale for Elderly Patients with Diabetes were used.A total of 230 questionnaires were distributed and 224(97.4%) valid questionnaires were recovered.Results The mean score of exercise was(116.70±8.24).The mean scores of items in five dimensions of exercise knowledge,exercise willingness,exercise behavior,social support,and professional support were(4.12±0.35),(3.44±0.38),(2.93±0.70),(2.89±0.71),and(2.59±0.67),respectively.Multivariate linear stepwise regression analysis showed that BMI,main source of life,number of children,family history of diabetes,duration of diabetes,the occurrence of hypoglycemia,and the presence of osteoarthropathy were main factors influencing the exercise status of elderly patients with type 2 diabetes in community(P<0.05).Conclusion The professional support and social support of exercise is poor in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes in community.Both living conditions and illness conditions will affect their exercise status.The medical staff,patients' family members and the community should strengthen the importance of exercise in the prevention and control of diabetes,and provide targeted and professional health guidance for different individuals.At the same time,the corresponding help and support should be provided to improve the quality of life of patients.

Key words: Diabetes mellitus, type 2;Exercise movement techniques;Root cause analysis;Health management;Community health services;Aged