多路电流不均衡是影响LED照明系统寿命的主要原因,但现有无源均流和有源均流方案均有其各自的局限性,给LED驱动器的设计带来新的挑战。同时,在实践中完成不同亮度的独立控制亦为重要。基于此,论文提出一种新型电路拓扑;在上、下半桥谐振网络中,开关电容(Switched-Capacitor Control,SCC)单元替代固态电容,从而定频下调节SCC模块完成LED独立调光的目的,EMI电路简单;同时,SCC单元复用作均流模块,均流精度高。最后,本文通过仿真和样机实验证明了所提电路的正确性和可行性。
Current imbalance is the main factor affecting the lifespan of lighting-emitting diode (LED) lighting systems. But existing passive and active approaches have their own limitations in both these approaches of current sharing, which bring new challenges to the design of LED drivers. Moreover, in consideration of many new lighting applications, the independent control to achieve different levels of luminance is particularly important. In view of this, multi-channel resonant converter based on Switched-Capacitor Control (SCC) is proposed to meet this challenge. In the resonant network of the upper and lower half-bridge, SCC is used instead of fixed capacitance. Then the individual current of the LED array is obtained by regulating the effective capacitance of the SCC under a fixed switching frequency. In this way, the precision of the multi-channel outputs are further improved, and EMI((electromagnetic interference)) circuit is simple. Finally, the correctness of the proposed circuit is proved by simulation and prototype experiment.
电路分析 /
多路均流 /
开关电容 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
circuit analysis /
current sharing /
independent control
{{custom_keyword}} /
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