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任春环, 王强军, 张彦, 罗建川, 张子军

任春环, 王强军, 张彦, 罗建川, 张子军. 江淮地区冬季羊舍供暖及通风换气效果[J]. 农业工程学报, 2015, 31(23): 179-186. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2015.23.024
引用本文: 任春环, 王强军, 张彦, 罗建川, 张子军. 江淮地区冬季羊舍供暖及通风换气效果[J]. 农业工程学报, 2015, 31(23): 179-186. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2015.23.024
Ren Chunhuan, Wang Qiangjun, Zhang Yan, Luo Jianchuan, Zhang Zijun. Effect of electric heating and ventilation in goat shed of Jianghuai region in winter[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2015, 31(23): 179-186. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2015.23.024
Citation: Ren Chunhuan, Wang Qiangjun, Zhang Yan, Luo Jianchuan, Zhang Zijun. Effect of electric heating and ventilation in goat shed of Jianghuai region in winter[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2015, 31(23): 179-186. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2015.23.024


基金项目: 国家现代肉羊产业技术体系专项(11004986);公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201303145)。

Effect of electric heating and ventilation in goat shed of Jianghuai region in winter

  • 摘要: 为改善江淮地区冬季肉羊养殖福利状况、提高肉羊生产水平,该文以江淮地区最常见的双坡顶有窗封闭羊舍为研究对象,利用油汀式电暖气为羊舍供暖以及负压风机与电暖气相结合方式为羊舍通风换气进行试验研究。结果表明:冬季舍外有效温度为3.04 ℃,供暖羊舍空气温度和羔羊日增质量可分别比对照羊舍提高3.4 ℃和29 g,空怀母羊日平均采食量比对照舍降低90 g,说明羊舍冬季供暖经济可行;换气羊舍空气温度、相对湿度通风前后差异不显著(P>0.05),NH3质量浓度和CO2体积分数通风前后差异显著(P<0.05),证实这种换气方式能够解决羊舍冬季保暖与通风换气的矛盾。综合认为,该研究为南方江淮地区冬季肉羊舍环境调控奠定了基础。
    Abstract: Abstract: In order to improve the welfare of the meat goat and increase the goat production efficiency, a study was conducted to evaluate the effect of electric heating and ventilation on the goat performance and microclimatic ambient air in goat shed and its economic feasibility. The oil radiator-type heaters were used to keep warm and the negative-pressure fan with a combination of electric heater was used for ventilation in double-slope airtight goat houses with windows and slatted floor, which was the most common type of goat house in winter in Jianghuai region. This two-year study was also to detect and analyze the air environmental indications in double-slope airtight goat houses with windows and slatted floor, in winter in Jianghuai region. The results showed that the daily mean temperature, relative humidity, airflow velocity, illuminance and concentration of nitrogen and carbon dioxide in such goat houses in the coldest month in winter were 5.14℃, 58.0%, 0.15 m/s, 78.84 lx, 1.63 mg/m3 and 0.068% respectively. All indicators met the required standards of environmental hygiene except the daily mean temperature that was below the standard required for lamb. During the test, outdoor effective temperature was 3.04℃; when the oil radiator-type heaters were used to keep warm for goat shed, the average temperature inside goat shed and the daily live-weight gain of lamb in shed were 3.4℃ and 29 g higher than those in contrasting shed, and the average daily feed intake for maintenance of the barren ewes was 90 g lower than that in contrasting shed. The results showed that using oil radiator-type heater in goat shed could significantly improve goat production in winter, as well as enhance utilization rate to decrease feeding cost. In this study, the daily live-weight gain of lambs and the average daily feed intake of barren ewes had no significant difference before and after the test (P>0.05), but there was 3 899.6 yuan gained during 30 days trial. So these measures was essential for obtaining consistently high breeding efficiency and ensuring lower cost and time-loss for breeder. Furthermore, there was no significant difference on the average temperature and relative humidity before and after the ventilation (P>0.05), while a significant difference on ammonia gas and carbon dioxide before and after the ventilation (P<0.05) in goat shed that had the negative-pressure fan (worked only for 10 min during the experiment) with a combination of electric heater (worked for 24 h a day), which suggested that the negative-pressure fan with a combination of electric heater not only achieved appropriate ventilation for goat shed in winter, but also provided a warmth retention shed; in other words, the negative-pressure fan with a combination of electric heater was feasible and valid for ventilation and warmth retention in goat shed in Jianghuai region in winter. In summary, the research provides a solid foundation for environment control in goat shed in Jianghuai region of China in winter.
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