Evaluation of Uncertainty in Eddy Current Testing
摘要: 随着涡流检测技术在国内薄壁管材检测中的广泛应用,其检测结果的不确定度评定也变得越来越重要。在薄壁管材的涡流检测中,影响检测结果不确定度的因素很多,如涡流仪和涡流探头的性能、检测技术的选择、标定管的精度、填充系数的选择等。另外,被检产品的缺陷性质、埋藏深度和缺陷走向也会对检测结果产生影响。分析了薄壁管涡流检测时,所测量缺陷的幅值、相位、伤深的不确定度的影响因素和评定方法。Abstract: With the extensive application of the eddy current testing in the inspection of thin-walled tube in China, the evaluation of the uncertainty of the test results is becoming more and more important. There are many factors that affect the uncertainty of test results in the eddy current thin-walled tube inspection technology. For example, the performance of eddy current inspection instrument and eddy current probes, the selection of detection technology, the accuracy of calibration tube, and the choice of filling coefficient, etc., will have an impact on the detection results. In addition, the defect property, burial depth and defect development trend of inspection products will also have an impact on the detection results. This paper analyzes the uncertainty of amplitude, phase and depth of defects measured by eddy current testing of thin-walled tubes.
- eddy current testing /
- uncertainty /
- amplitude /
- phase /
- depth of injury
[1] JJF 1059-1999测量不确定度评定与表示[S]. [2] JJF 1001-2011通用计量术语及定义[S].
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