XIE Fei,CHENG Jian,PAN Jian-wei.Influences of Current Field Frequency on Alternating Current Field Enhanced Pack Boriding on 45 Steel[J].China Surface Engineering,2018,31(1):39~44
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谢飞1,2, 程健1, 潘建伟3
1.常州大学 材料科学与工程学院, 江苏 常州 213164;2.常州大学 江苏省材料表面科学与技术重点实验室, 江苏 常州 213164;3.常州大学 怀德学院, 江苏 常州 213016
在800 ℃粉末法渗硼过程中对中碳45钢试样和渗剂施加交流电场,研究电场频率对粉末法渗硼的影响规律和作用机制。对渗硼保温过程中试样的温度、渗硼层显微组织、相结构、厚度及显微硬度分布等进行观测分析。结果表明:交流电场使试样温度高于渗硼保温炉温,电场电流恒定时,随频率从20 Hz增至400 Hz,试样温升先降低后升高,硼化物层及增碳区厚度均先减小后增加;当电场电流为3 A时,硼化物层为单相Fe2B;当电场电流≤2 A时,随频率增加,硼化物层由FeB+Fe2B双相变为单相Fe2B,渗层表层硬度降低、硬度分布曲线趋于平缓。分析认为,电场频率通过综合影响渗剂反应、活性硼原子及含硼活性基团在试样表面的吸附和试样内原子的扩散来影响渗硼。
关键词:  频率  交流电场  粉末法渗硼  渗硼层  组织
Influences of Current Field Frequency on Alternating Current Field Enhanced Pack Boriding on 45 Steel
XIE Fei1,2, CHENG Jian1, PAN Jian-wei3
1.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, Jiangsu;2.Key Laboratory of Materials Surface Engineering of Jiangsu Province, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, Jiangsu;3.Huaide College, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213016, Jiangsu
An alternating current field (ACF) was applied to samples and media during pack boriding on medium carbon 45 steel at 800 ℃. The effects and working mechanism of the A.C frequency on the boriding were studied. The temperature of the samples during the soaking of the boriding, boriding cases' microstructure, phases, thickness and micro-hardness distribution were investigated. The results show that the ACF makes the temperature of the boriding sample higher than that of the furnace during soaking. With the increase of the frequency from 20 Hz to 400 Hz, the temperature rise first decreases and then increases. The thickness of the boride zone and the carbon-enriched zone first decreases and then increases. When the ACF current is 3 A, the single phase Fe2B is obtained. When the ACF current is not more than 2 A, with the increase of the ACF frequency, the boride zone changes from the dual phases FeB + Fe2B to the single phase Fe2B. The hardness of the surface layer decreases. The slope of the hardness profile along the boriding case becomes flat. It is proposed that the ACF frequency affects the pack boriding through affecting reactions among the boriding agent, adsorptions of active boron atoms and boron-containing species on the samples' surface, and diffusion in the treated samples.
Key words:  frequency  alternating current field  pack boriding  boriding case  microstructure