SHAO Hong-hong,CHEN Ting-ting,QI Chang-yang,WANG Lan.Effects of Sealing Treatment on Properties of Phosphating Film on 316L Stainless Steel Under Ultrasonic Field[J].China Surface Engineering,2017,30(1):63~69
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邵红红, 陈婷婷, 祁昌洋, 王兰
江苏大学 材料科学与工程学院, 江苏 镇江 212013
316L不锈钢因其优良的力学性能、耐蚀性以及相对较低的价格成为人工关节、固定支架、齿科、心脏外科等植入材料之一。但316L不锈钢在临床应用中仍然存在着耐磨性差以及对人体有害元素镍离子的溢出等问题,为了改善316L不锈钢的生物医用性能,在316L不锈钢磷化处理中引入超声场,并采用封闭处理提高磷化膜的致密性,通过单因素试验法优化封闭处理工艺参数。借助扫描电子显微镜、X射线衍射仪、电化学工作站等仪器对磷化膜的表面形貌、结构、耐蚀性、抗凝血性能和镍离子溢出等性能进行研究。结果显表明:经过封闭处理后,磷化膜的孔隙率由原先的9.8%下降到2.9%;磷化处理后的试样均能诱导类骨磷灰石形成,抗凝血时间从基材的25 min增加到60 min以上;镍离子的溢出量从基材的1.827 μg/mL降低到0.134 μg/mL,有效阻隔了镍离子的溢出。
关键词:  316L不锈钢  超声磷化  封闭处理  耐蚀性  生物性能
Effects of Sealing Treatment on Properties of Phosphating Film on 316L Stainless Steel Under Ultrasonic Field
SHAO Hong-hong, CHEN Ting-ting, QI Chang-yang, WANG Lan
School of Material Science and Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, Jiangsu
316L stainless steel has become one of the implant materials in the field of artificial joint, fixed bracket, dental and cardiac surgery because of its excellent mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and relatively low price. However, the poor wear resistance and nickel ion release problem limit its widespread clinical application. In order to improve the biomedical properties of 316L stainless steel, the phosphating film was prepared by phosphating treatment in ultrasonic field. Sealing treatment was performed to enhance the density of the coating and its processing parameters were optimarized using single factor experimental method. The surface morphologies and structure of the films were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The corrosion resistance was investigated using electrochemical workstation. The results show that the density of the phosphating coating is obviously improved with the porosity decreasing from 9.8% to 2.9% after sealing treatment. After phosphating treatment in ultrasonic field, all the sample can successfully induced the formation of hydroxyapatite. Its anti clotting time increases from 25 min to over 60 min, the spillage of nickel ion reduces from 1.827 μg/mL to 0.134 μg/mL,which effectively blocks the release of nickel ion.
Key words:  316L stainless steel  ultrasonic phosphating  sealing treatment  corrosion resistance  biological properties