REN Bei-lei,MIAO Qiang,LIANG Wen-ping,XIA Jin-jiao,HU Rong-yao.Effects of NaCl Salt on Hot Corrosion Behaviors of Aluminized Layer Prepared on Ti2AlNb Alloy[J].China Surface Engineering,2016,29(3):41~47
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任蓓蕾, 缪强, 梁文萍, 夏金姣, 胡荣耀
南京航空航天大学 材料科学与技术学院, 南京 211106
为提高Ti2AlNb合金的实际使用温度,采用加弧辉光等离子渗镀技术在合金表面制备渗镀Al层,研究渗镀Al层在750℃下涂盐Na2SO4和Na2SO4+25%NaCl的热腐蚀行为。同时利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、能谱仪(EDS)对腐蚀产物的形貌进行观察,并结合X射线衍射对相组成进行分析。结果表明:渗镀Al层组织均匀致密,与基体结合良好。涂层可分为明显的3个区域:最外层Al2O3薄膜、次表层纯Al沉积层和内层Al-Ti-Nb扩散层。扩散层主要包括Al3Ti﹑Al3Nb和AlNb2等相。渗镀Al层试样在750℃的Na2SO4盐热腐蚀100 h后,仅增重约2 mg/cm2,表现出良好的抗热腐蚀性能;而在Na2SO4+25%NaCl混合盐中,试样则先增重后逐渐减重,整个涂层出现明显开裂和剥落,其原因是Cl-的渗入使表面形成的Al2O3膜被破坏,进而加速消耗涂层中的Al。
关键词:  热腐蚀  NaCl盐  渗镀Al层  Ti2AlNb合金
Effects of NaCl Salt on Hot Corrosion Behaviors of Aluminized Layer Prepared on Ti2AlNb Alloy
REN Bei-lei, MIAO Qiang, LIANG Wen-ping, XIA Jin-jiao, HU Rong-yao
Collage of Materials Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 211106
To improve the actual temperature of Ti2AlNb alloy, an aluminized layer was prepared on the surface by arc-added glow discharge plasma surface alloying technique. Hot corrosion behaviors of the aluminized layer in Na2SO4 and Na2SO4+25%NaCl salt at 750℃ were investigated. Morphologies and phase structure of corrosion products were analyzed by scanning electron microscope, energy dispersive spectromete and X-ray diffraction. The results show that the aluminized layer is dense and is tightly adhered to the substrate. The microstructure of the aluminized layer is divided into three distinguished areas: the outer thin Al2O3 layer, the intermediate layer of pure Al deposition, and the inner Al-Ti-Nb mutual diffusion layer. The diffusion layer is composed of Al3Ti, Al3Nb and AlNb2 phases. The mass of the aluminized layer only increases about 2 mg/cm2 when corroded in a pure Na2SO4 environment at 750℃ after 100 h, which shows good hot corrosion resistance. The mass first increases and then decreases when corroded in Na2SO4+25%NaCl salt and obvious spalling occurred in the chlorate containing molten salt. The reason is that the infiltration of Cl- destroys the Al2O3 film on the surface, and then accelerates the consumption of Al in the aluminized layer.
Key words:  hot corrosion  NaCl salt  aluminized layer  Ti2AlNb alloy