WANG Yao,ZHU Xiao-ying,DU Jun,LIU Gui-min.Microstructural and Mechanical Stability of Cu/Ni Nanoscale Multilayers at Different Annealing Temperatures[J].China Surface Engineering,2016,29(3):14~19
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王尧, 朱晓莹, 杜军, 刘贵民
装甲兵工程学院 装备维修与再制造工程系, 北京 100072
为研究不同退火温度下Cu/Ni纳米多层膜的结构与力学性能稳定性,采用电子束蒸发镀膜技术在Si(100)基片上沉积不同周期(Λ为4,12,20 nm)的Cu/Ni多层膜,在真空条件下对试样进行温度为200℃和400℃,时间为4 h的退火处理,分析了沉积态(未退火态)与退火态Cu/Ni多层膜纳米压痕硬度、弹性模量与微结构的演变,讨论了不同调制周期Cu/Ni多层膜的热稳定性。结果表明:200℃下4 h退火后,Λ为4,12和20 nm 的Cu/Ni多层膜均保持了硬度与弹性模量的热稳定性。而在400℃下4 h退火后,Λ为12 nm的Cu/Ni多层膜出现了硬度和弹性模量的软化现象,硬度由6.21 GPa降低至5.83 GPa,弹性模量由190 GPa降低至182 GPa。这是由于共格界面被破坏,界面共格应力对Cu/Ni多层膜力学性能贡献作用削弱导致的。
关键词:  Cu/Ni纳米多层膜  力学性能  界面结构  热稳定性  退火温度
Microstructural and Mechanical Stability of Cu/Ni Nanoscale Multilayers at Different Annealing Temperatures
WANG Yao, ZHU Xiao-ying, DU Jun, LIU Gui-min
Department of Equipment Maintenance and Remanufaturing, Academy of Armored Forces Engineering, Beijing 100072
In order to study the microstructural and mechanical stability of nanoscale Cu/Ni multilayers after annealing at various temperatures, Cu/Ni multilayers with different periods (Λ=4, 12, 20 nm) were prepared by the electron beam evaporation coating technique on the Si(100) substrate. The samples were subsequently annealed in a vacuum environment at the temperature of 200℃ and 400℃ for 4 h, and the evolution of nano-indentation hardness, modulus and microstructure of multilayers in the as-deposited state and annealing state was analyzed. The thermal stability of Cu/Ni multilayers with different modulation periods were discussed. The results indicate that after annealing at 200℃ for 4 h, Cu/Ni multilayers with Λ=4, 12 and 20 nm maintain the hardness and elastic modulus thermal stability. After annealing at 400℃ for 4 h, the hardness and elastic modulus softening phenomenon of Cu/Ni multilayers with Λ=12 nm is observed, the hardness decreases from 6.21 GPa to 5.83 GPa, and the modulus value decreases from 190 GPa to 182 GPa. This is mainly because the coherent structure of Cu/Ni multilayers with Λ=12 nm is destroyed, and the contribution of coherent stress to mechanical properties is weaken.
Key words:  Cu/Ni nanoscale multilayers  mechanical properties  interface structure  thermal stability  annealed temperature