A Novel Method for Predicting the Timing of Water Breakthrough in Edge-Water Gas Reservoirs by Considering Reservoir Dip and Water Invasion
摘要: 目前的边水气藏见水时间预测都忽略储层倾角及水侵对水运移的影响,只考虑水质点舌进,故造成预测的见水时间与实际见水时间有较大差异。为了更准确地预测气井见水时间,基于物质平衡方程及多孔介质流体渗流理论,同时考虑储层倾角及水侵的影响,以质点流动驱动压力和沿倾角方向的重力为依据,将储层水的运移分为水侵阶段和舌进阶段,建立了带倾角边水气藏见水时间预测模型。利用该模型分析了储层倾角及水侵对见水时间的影响,结果发现:水侵速度与水侵时间呈反比;舌进时间随储层倾角增大先增长后缩短,两者之间呈复杂非线性关系。实例应用表明,利用新建模型预测的见水时间与实际见水时间更加接近,表明预测边水气藏见水时间时应该考虑储层倾角和水侵的影响。该预测模型为深入研究带倾角气藏边水推进机理、预测见水时间提供了理论依据,对边水气藏的开发管理具有指导意义。Abstract: Currently, predicting the timing of water breakthroughs inedge-water gas reservoirs, only the water mass point tonguing is taken into account while the effect of reservoir dip and water invasion on water migration are ignored. Disregarding the effect of dip and water invasion creates a problem, and the predicted water breakthrough timing does not agree with actual results. In order to predict water breakthrough timing more accurately, the effect of both reservoir dip and water invasion were taken into consideration based on material balance equation and fluid flow theory in porous media. Based on the driving force of mass point flowing and the gravity along the dip direction, the migration of reservoir water was divided into a water invasion stage and a tonguing stage, and then a novel model was developed to predict water breakthrough timing in edge-water gas reservoir with certain dip. The effect of reservoir dip and water invasion on water breakthrough timing were studied in this model. Results demonstrated that the water invasion rate is inversely proportional to the water invasion time, and the reservoir dip is non-linear with the tonguing time primary increases then decreases. The case study showed that the predicted water breakthrough timing of this newly established model is closer to the actual. Results demonstrated that the effect of reservoir dip and water invasion shall be taken into account when water breakthrough timing of edge-water gas reservoirs is predicted. This new model may provide a theoretical basis for analyzing the advancing mechanisms of edge water with dip and predicting water breakthrough timing, as well as an instructive significance in the development and management of gas reservoirs with edge water.
- dip /
- water invasion /
- edge water gas reservoir /
- water breakthrough timing
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