"Dual circulation" and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei high-quality coordinated development: From the division in the value chain and factor mobility perspective
The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region has experienced a path from competition and cooperation to high-quality coordinated development. Under the new development pattern of "dual circulation", the coordinated development of the BTH region is facing new challenges and new development goals, and it is urgent for the region to achieve innovation-driven economic transformation. This paper starts from the aspects of division in the value chain, technology and capital element flow, systematically combs the status in value chain and radiation capabilities of the BTH region in the "international circulation" and "national circulation", and coordinated development status of the BTH region expressed by "internal circulation". It was found that the BTH did not form the capacity corresponding to the world-class urban agglomeration in the "international circulation", and occupies the low value-added link of the value chain. In the "national circulation", the BTH has played a role of R&D service center, so it occupies the high value-added link of the value chain. It also exports technology and capital and becomes a highland of domestic innovation and capital, but its attraction and radiation are limited. Further exploration found that the BTH is relatively marginalized in the "international circulation", which is one of the important reasons that they have not been complementary to each other in "internal circulation". Moreover, Tianjin and Hebei are less attractive to Beijing's capital and technology, so Beijing's patents are difficult to transform within the BTH urban agglomeration. Therefore, the BTH region failed to achieve innovation-driven economic growth. In the next stage, the BTH urban agglomeration should be driven by the horizontal knowledge chain and gradient innovation chain to build a vertical industrial chain. Specifically, in the "national circulation", efforts should be made to create a collaborative pattern, that is, Beijing specializes in research and develop, Tianjin specializes in high-end manufacturing, and Hebei specializes in logistics service. "International circulation" builds a model of "Beijing innovation cluster, Hebei integrated manufacturing, Tianjin R&D and shipping" mode, gradually realize the "national circulation" to feed back the "international circulation".
“双循环” / 京津冀协同发展 / 城市群 / 价值链 / 要素流动 {{custom_keyword}} /
dual circulation / Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development / urban cluster / value chain / factor mobility {{custom_keyword}} /
表1 城市专利网络指标内涵、文中含义及计算方法Tab. 1 The connotation, meaning and calculation method of the indicators of city patent network |
指标名称 | 指标内涵 | 文中含义 | 计算方法 |
紧密中心性 | 节点可达性 | 城市与其他城市进行专利转移的难易程度 | 经过一个节点的平均最短路径长度的倒数 |
中介中心性 | 节点对通过路径的控制能力 | 城市在专利转移网络中的中转和衔接能力 | 经过一个节点的最短路径的数量 |
度/出度/入度 | 节点连通度 | 与某一城市产生专利联系的城市数量/城市对外转出专利/接受转入专利的城市数量 | 连接一个节点的边数量/从节点发出的边的数量/连入节点的边的数量 |
加权度/加权出度/加权入度 | 节点加权连通度 | 城市专利联系数量/城市转出专利数量/转入专利数量 | 将城市间专利数量作为权重对度/出度/入度加权得到 |
网络密度 | 网络中节点连接的紧密程度 | 全国城市专利联系的紧密程度 | 网络中真实存在联系与可能存在联系数量的比值 |
表2 2005—2018年专利转移网络密度及京津冀城市群的节点性质Tab. 2 The density of the patent transfer network and the node's properties of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration in 2005-2018 |
指标 | 2005年 | 2010年 | 2015年 | 2018年 |
紧密中心性 | 0.5468 | 0.6386 | 0.6797 | 0.8657 |
中介中心性 | 6560.94 | 14612.95 | 18214.40 | 10558.85 |
网络密度 | 0.028 | 0.036 | 0.085 | 0.204 |
度 | 79 | 166 | 338 | 473 |
入度 | 39 | 71 | 183 | 228 |
出度 | 40 | 95 | 155 | 245 |
加权度 | 293 | 1626 | 6670 | 15006 |
加权入度 | 129 | 474 | 3306 | 7574 |
加权出度 | 164 | 1152 | 3364 | 7432 |
出度/入度 | 1.0256 | 1.3380 | 0.8470 | 1.0746 |
图16 2000—2019年北京和天津对京津冀城市创业风险投资事件数Fig. 16 Number of venture investment events of Beijing and Tianjin to cities in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region in 2000-2019 |
表3 2000—2019年北京对天津和河北的投资强度Tab. 3 Beijing's investment intensity in Tianjin and Hebei in 2000-2019 |
年份 | 2000—2004 | 2005—2009 | 2010—2014 | 2015—2019 |
对天津、河北的投资事件总数(件) | 3 | 45 | 187 | 544 |
对全国的投资事件数(件) | 209 | 891 | 4709 | 13382 |
对天津、河北的投资强度(%) | 1.44 | 5.05 | 3.97 | 4.07 |
表4 2018年京津冀城市经济联系与经济隶属度Tab. 4 Economic ties and economic subordination between cities in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei in 2018 |
北京 | 天津 | 石家庄 | 唐山 | ||||||||
经济联系 | 经济隶属度(%) | 经济联系 | 经济隶属度(%) | 经济联系 | 经济隶属度(%) | 经济联系 | 经济隶属度(%) | ||||
天津 | 1873.89 | 39.63 | |||||||||
石家庄 | 184.89 | 14.55 | 111.68 | 8.79 | |||||||
唐山 | 457.22 | 30.70 | 604.51 | 40.59 | 33.69 | 2.26 | |||||
秦皇岛 | 52.81 | 8.87 | 44.56 | 7.48 | 5.53 | 0.93 | 70.07 | 11.76 | |||
邯郸 | 62.98 | 4.99 | 42.05 | 3.33 | 170.79 | 13.52 | 13.77 | 1.09 | |||
邢台 | 54.04 | 4.02 | 41.69 | 3.10 | 246.22 | 18.32 | 10.95 | 0.82 | |||
保定 | 576.85 | 33.32 | 285.49 | 16.49 | 278.84 | 16.11 | 56.27 | 3.25 | |||
张家口 | 146.27 | 48.16 | 36.60 | 12.05 | 14.55 | 4.79 | 14.65 | 4.82 | |||
承德 | 94.80 | 27.78 | 37.38 | 10.96 | 6.94 | 2.03 | 52.55 | 15.40 | |||
沧州 | 280.95 | 18.41 | 644.23 | 42.21 | 78.80 | 5.16 | 74.81 | 4.90 | |||
廊坊 | 2733.06 | 65.96 | 935.70 | 22.58 | 37.71 | 0.91 | 86.47 | 2.09 | |||
衡水 | 75.09 | 13.81 | 70.54 | 12.97 | 100.76 | 18.53 | 14.29 | 2.63 |
[1] |
[江小涓, 孟丽君. 内循环为主、外循环赋能与更高水平双循环: 国际经验与中国实践. 管理世界, 2021, 37(1): 1-19.]
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Since the financial crisis, the world economy has emerged as geo-economy and showed network features. To expand and deepen the research paradigm of geo-economic system, a systematic and dynamic perspective is needed to explore its intrinsic properties and the operating law. Considering the importance of the commodity trade in measuring geo-economic system, this perspective provides an effective path to study the geo-economic system. In this paper, we constructed an analytical framework of geo-economic system on the basis of System Dynamics to examine the evolutionary properties, functional levels and types of the global geo-economic system from 1996 to 2016 from the perspective of global commodity trade network. The result shows that, firstly, in terms of the attribute features, geo-economic system has the small world property. Its evolution is conjugated with the development of the world economy. The scale-free property of degree gradually disappears, and the construction of geo-economic relations is balanced. The scale-free property of weighted degree is significant, and the increase in the number of intermediate-order countries optimizes the weight-degree fractal structure. Geo-economic system belongs to the mismatch network. Geo-economic links follow the selection mechanism and tends to weaken. Secondly, in terms of the functional level, geo-economic system presents a strong relationship-dependent effect and the third-party effect. The association between the weighted degree centrality and eigenvector centrality is the highest and displays a spatial match, both of which gradually form a spatial pattern of East-West parallelism with China and the US acting as two cores. The betweenness centrality and the closeness centrality show spatial homogenization. The quantity distribution of its function type presents a “pyramid” structure, indicating the power of countries in the world economy, while spatially three core-periphery clusters show a “circle” structure. The competitiveness of the central geo-economic zone increased. The network structure of the transformation geo-economic zone is diverse and complicated. The function level of some countries in the general geo-economic zone leaped, while the isolated geo-economic zone remains stable. Natural geospatial separation, national socio-economic development, the interaction and coupling among functional zones are important factors driving the spatial evolution of geo-economic functional zones. [杨文龙, 游小珺, 杜德斌. 商品贸易网络视角下地缘经济系统的属性与功能演进. 地理研究, 2021, 40(2): 356-372.]
金融危机以来,世界经济发生了深刻变革。“区域化、集团化、碎片化”逐渐取代经济全球化成为国际社会最为活跃的内容,以“地缘”为基础的经济板块日益涌现。本文结合系统动力学理论构建地缘经济系统的分析框架,从商品贸易网络的研究视角,对1996—2016年地缘经济系统的属性特征、功能等级的演进过程深入分析,得出如下结果。① 在属性特征演进层面,地缘经济系统具备小世界性,其变化趋势与世界经济局势的阶段性发展共轭;商品贸易网络度分布的无标度性逐渐消失,地缘经济关系呈均衡化,而权重度的无标度性显著,中间位序的国家数量增多使权重度分形结构趋于优化;商品贸易网络属于异配型网络,地缘经济系统遵循择优选择机制但趋向弱化。② 在功能等级演进层面,地缘经济系统具有较强的关系依赖性,第三国效应凸显;商品贸易网络的权重度中心性与特征向量中心性的关联度最高且空间同配,逐步形成以中美为核心的东西并立格局,介数中心性和接近中心性呈现空间均质化发展态势;功能类型在数量特征上呈“金字塔”型结构,在空间分布上形成三个“核心-边缘”集聚的“圈层结构”,核心型地缘经济区之间的竞争性强化,中转型地缘经济区的联系网络呈复杂化,一般型地缘经济区的部分国家出现等级跃升,孤立型地缘经济区保持稳定。③ 自然地理空间分异、国家社会经济发展、不同功能区的交互耦合是地缘经济功能区空间演进的重要因素。
[3] |
[王一鸣. 百年大变局、高质量发展与构建新发展格局. 管理世界, 2020, 36(12): 1-13.]
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[余淼杰. “大变局”与中国经济“双循环”发展新格局. 上海对外经贸大学学报, 2020, 27(6): 19-28.]
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[张雪花, 许文博, 张宝安. 雄安新区对京津冀城市群低碳协同发展促进作用预评估. 经济地理, 2020, 40(3): 16-23, 83.]
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The COVID-19 pandemic is considered the biggest crisis confronted with the world after the Second World War, which has brought huge impacts on people’s health and daily life, economic growth and employment as well as national and international governance. Increasing pessimism is buzzing among scholars, critics, entrepreneurs, the mass and even government officials, and views like the end of economic globalization, large-scale spatial restructuring of global supply chains and fundamental change of the world economic governance structure are becoming prevailing on the media. This paper tries to address the issue of the development trend of economic globalization in the post-pandemic era by developing a framework of globalization’s Triangle Structure to understand its dynamics in addition to a summary of the on-going impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. We argue that the spatial fix of capital accumulation, time-space compression led by technological advance and openness of nations are the three major drivers of economic globalization, and the changes and interactions of these three drivers decide the development trend of economic globalization. From such a dynamic viewpoint, economic globalization is an ever-changing integration process without an end but constant fluctuations. The cost of decoupling of nations from globalization would be very huge because they have been highly integrated by global production networks and trade networks and no nation can afford a complete decoupling. The so-called de-globalization phenomena are just short-term adjusting strategies of nations to cope with power reconfigurations brought by economic globalization. The pandemic will have little impacts, or probably nothing, on the spatial fix of capital accumulation and time-space compression led by technological advance, but may temporarily influence some nations' openness. If the pandemic does not last long, economic globalization will resume from the shock soon after the world goes back to normal, and develop and restructure according to its own dynamics. Thus, we tend to believe the pandemic at most slams the brake of globalization and would not be able to put it into reverse. Economic globalization will not stop or reverse, but develop towards a more inclusive stage. [刘卫东. 新冠肺炎疫情对经济全球化的影响分析. 地理研究, 2020, 39(7): 1439-1449.]
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[沈剑飞. 流通活动、市场分割与国内价值链分工深度. 财贸经济, 2018, 39(9): 89-104, 121.]
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Since the reform and opening-up policies first started, China has experienced rapid economic growth. From 1979 to 2011, average annual growth for China's GDP is nearly 10 percent. Economic growth is always the focus of attention of the general public. Economic theories emphasize that the quality and quantities of the input factors affect economic growth. With the development of economic geography, the new economic geography, represented by Krugman, provides a new direction for the study of economic growth. Under the framework of imperfect competition and increasing returns to scale, new economic geography takes the geographic factors into the mainstream economics to explain the phenomenon of spatial agglomeration and diffusion. At present, China is in a special period of economic transition. On the one hand, due to the tax reform, administrative decentralization and the economic performance evaluation system for local officials by the central government, market segmentation in China is serious, manifested by regional malignant competition, redundant construction and local protection. On the other hand, in recent years, China promulgated a number of regional development plans to coordinate the regional development, and urban agglomeration has become the leading area of economic development. Why market segmentation exists in some regions, but regional integration exists in some other regions? Considering the differences in market segmentation and the differences in economic growth, we can't help but wonder how market segmentation affects economic growth and whether the relationship between the two changes from region to region, and from industry to industry. Solving these problems is of great significance to the current situation of China's economic growth. In this paper, based on the actual situation of China's regional economic development, we study the impact of market segmentation, characteristic of China's economic transition period, on economic growth.We focus on the differences among the regions and industries and take the manufacturing industry as the breakthrough point. In the frame of new growth theory and new economic geography, this paper constructs a linear model for the impact of market segmentation on economic growth. And from different geographic scales, the market segmentation is divided into international market segmentation, domestic market segmentation and geographic segmentation. Our study resulted in a panel data model based on manufacturing industries data from 2003 to 2009. By estimating random effects, the results were robust to prove that: (1) international market segmentation and geographic segmentation have significant impact on the growth of manufacturing industry in China. (2) In terms of regional differences, the growth of manufacturing industry is more sensitive to international market segmentation and geographic location segmentation in Eastern China, more sensitive to geographic location segmentation and topography segmentation in Central China, and more sensitive to geographic topography segmentation in Western China, respectively. (3) As far as industrial differences are concerned, international market segmentation, geographic topography segmentation and domestic market segmentation each has significant effect on labor intensive industry, capital intensive industry and technology intensive industry, respectively. Thus, for the specific type of region or industry, reducing the specific type of market segmentation is of great importance for the economic development in the future.
[王洁玉, 郭琪, 周沂, 等. 市场分割对中国制造业增长的影响: 区域与产业差异. 地理科学进展, 2013, 32(11): 1592-1601.]
本文从中国区域经济发展的实际情况出发,以制造业为切入点,研究转型时期特有的市场分割现象对经济增长的影响,并关注这一影响的区域与产业差异。在新增长理论和新经济地理学框架下,将不同地理尺度上的市场分割分为国际市场分割、国内市场分割和地理分割,构建了市场分割对经济增长影响的线性模型。以中国2003-2009 年制造业数据为基础建立城市面板模型,采用随机效应估计进行研究。结果表明:① 3 种市场分割中,国际市场分割、地理分割对中国制造业增长影响显著。② 从区域差异来看,对东部地区制造业增长影响显著的是国际分割和地理区位上的分割;对中部地区制造业增长影响显著的是地理分割,包括地形和区位上的分割;对西部而言,地形上的分割影响显著。③ 从产业差异来看,对劳动密集型、资本密集型、技术密集型产业影响显著的分别是国际市场分割、地形分割和国内市场分割。未来根据不同区域、不同产业类型,切实减少相应的市场分割,对于经济发展十分重要。
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<p>Organized globally and led by trans-national enterprises, global production networks (GPNs) develop rapidly along with the advancement of technology and deepening of trade liberalization. GPN provides great opportunities for developing countries to blend in global economy and realize their technological advance, as well as value chain upgrading. Facing the pressure of shifting model of economic development, China has urgent need of optimizing export trade though she has experienced marvelous success especially on export trade during the past few decades, so that the study on export product upgrading can be particularly important. Based on such consideration, this article focuses on how participating GPN influences China's export product upgrade. This article uses the conception of quality to quantitively describe product upgrade, and we calculate the product quality based on data of customs trade database from 2000 to 2011. The result shows that export product quality presents a declining trend from east to west of China, and the average quality of the whole country fluctuates a lot during 2000-2011 with a slight rising trend showing up recently. We then build several econometric models to examine whether participating in GPN matters, and how exactly this influence works. The results show that participating in GPN has remarkable influence on export product upgrading especially in eastern China, but market dispersion does not help in product upgrading. We also find that R&D investment cannot promote regional position in global value chain in eastern China, forming a typical "Low-end lock-in". Capital- and technology-intensive products benefit a lot from participating in GPN while labour-intensive exports may open markets with low-quality products. Fiscal decentralization is a key determinant in eastern and central provinces, and local governments tend to give more support to technology-intensive product upgrading.</p>
[贺灿飞, 陈航航. 参与全球生产网络与中国出口产品升级. 地理学报, 2017, 72(8): 1331-1346.]
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[张少军, 刘志彪. 区域一体化是国内价值链的“垫脚石”还是“绊脚石”: 以长三角为例的分析. 财贸经济, 2010(11): 118-124.]
[13] |
[费文博, 于立宏, 叶晓佳. 城市群区域价值链分工的 “雁阵模式”: 基于长三角集成电路产业的研究. 软科学, 2021, 35(5): 13-19.]
[14] |
Geographical distribution and agglomeration of industries have been a long lasting concern of economic geographers. Some studies have stressed geographical proximity and industrial agglomeration as the key driving force of uneven distribution of industries. Recently, evolutionary economic geography, based on evolutionary economics, has adopted a dynamic and historic perspective to study the evolution of regional industrial dynamics. It argues that geographical proximity is neither sufficient nor necessary for efficient knowledge spillovers; instead, it calls for more attention to the idea of cognitive proximity as well as its importance in regional industrial dynamics. The idea is that for knowledge spillovers to take place effectively, some kind of cognitive proximity in terms of shared competencies must be in place. Inspired by this, we examine China's regional industrial development through the lens of cognitive proximity, and propose the "principle of relatedness", that is, the probability of a region to enter/exit one specific economic activity is heavily dependent on regional pre-existing economic profile and local knowledge base. This paper first introduces some key, relevant concepts, and then reviews empirical studies that are underpinned by the "principle of relatedness". Furthermore, it discusses the applicability of "principle of relatedness" in the Chinese context. Our main findings are as follows: (1) theories on resource base view and knowledge spillovers both support the existence of the "principle of relatedness"; (2) the "principle of relatedness" enables us to better understand China's regional economic development, innovation and resilience; however, (3) the effectiveness of the "principle of relatedness" may be compromised by external shocks and internal institutions. One policy implication from the "principle of relatedness" as well as our empirical research is that Chinese regions should seek to diversify related industries and enhance related variety of their regional profiles. In doing so, they are able to become more economically resilient and achieve more sustainable economic development. [贺灿飞, 朱晟君. 中国产业发展与布局的关联法则. 地理学报, 2020, 75(12): 2684-2698.]
产业地理学研究产业空间分布及其动态演化规律。基于地理邻近性的集聚理论揭示了产业地理不平衡分布的内在机制。演化经济地理学借鉴演化经济学的历史视角,从历史角度考察经济活动空间分布的渐进演化机制,认为地理邻近性不是产业地理格局演化的充分必要条件,以认知邻近性为核心的多维邻近性能够提供更好的解释。本文从认知邻近视角系统地分析了中国区域产业发展与布局动态演化规律,总结出中国产业发展与布局的“关联法则”,即一个企业或区域进入(或退出)某项经济活动的概率是该企业或地区拥有的基于相关知识基础的经济活动的函数。本文全面地回顾了关联法则涉及的关键概念,梳理企业和区域尺度的实证研究成果,讨论关联法则在中国的适用性及其补充和拓展。本文指出:① 在认知邻近视角下,基于资源转换和组织学习等理论基础,关联法则研究了企业或区域发展新产业与现有产业之间的关系。② 关联法则不仅适用于中国企业和区域尺度,还会影响区域经济发展、创新和韧性等。③ 外部联系、冲击以及内部制度环境等可能会降低区域产业动态对本地产业基础的依赖性。关联法则指出中国区域需培育内生发展模式,围绕现有区域能力、技术和知识积累发展区域产业和实现区际产业优化布局与分工,逐步建立相关多样化的产业体系,增强区域韧性,支撑国内经济循环。
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[贺灿飞, 陈韬. 外部需求冲击、相关多样化与出口韧性. 中国工业经济, 2019(7): 61-80.]
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Based on the expansive use of input-output analysis, this study uses an index system to establish regional division models and cross-regional industrial linkage models (including gravity model of inter-regional, gravity model of inter-industry, cross-region model of inter-industry linkage). Also, it explores characteristics of China's industrial division and linkage from the perspective of specific industries. The results show that: (1) In the aspects of industrial division: Central, Northwest and Southwest China are regions with more static comparative advantage industries, but Beijing, Tianjin and coastal region are regions having more dynamic comparative advantage industries. Regional gradient has been formed between industries; however, some of the regions have similar industrial structures and inter-provincial similar industries. (2)Industrial linkage in cross-regional areas: ① Characteristics of inter-regional linkage: Intensity of inter-industry linkage region is greatly affected by economic status and distance of space, and spatial distribution. Linkage of industries between coastal and inland areas is weak, and it is loose between eastern and western China. ② Characteristics of inter-industrial linkage: Integrated correlation of industries has a significant change between 1987 and 2002. The inter-related intensity of industries is gradually increasing. It is positively correlated between industries associated intensity and their comprehensive linkage industries. ③ Interaction characteristics of inter-regional industries: Inter-regional industrial linkage has clear space directivity to the neighborhood area, and the same industry in different regions has different intensities of inter-regional linkage and range of industrial linkage. Adjacent regions have strong linkage between industries. There is a close relation between industry-level linkage and the level of regional economic development. Horizontal linkage of cross-regional industry increased, and the mixed pattern of horizontal and vertical linkage in industries is emerging. Primary industry, tertiary industries and manufacturing industry in secondary industry are weak linkage industries, and there is lack of effective convergence among them. The cooperative areas are more concentrated on low-tech energy and raw material-based industries and related downstream industries, so the regional advantage has not been effectively integrated. [王德利, 方创琳. 中国跨区域产业分工与联动特征. 地理研究, 2010, 29(8): 1392-1406.]
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[徐雨森, 张延. 大都市圈生产性服务业中心效应实证研究: 以长江三角洲为例. 城市问题, 2011(11): 9-15.]
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Urban agglomeration refers to a highly integrated city and town group. It comes into being with the development of industrialization and urbanization to the advanced stage. The formation and development of urban agglomeration is a long natural process, which is transformed from competition to cooperation. China is in a new stage of urbanization transition, and has entered a new era of leading the global urban agglomeration development in the 21st century. The research and experience model of China's urban agglomeration has been accepted by global urban agglomeration construction as reference. In this paper, the natural law of urban agglomeration is proposed, including developmental gradual law, multi-scale transmission law of space intensive utilization, the combination law of spatial crystal structure, the natural growth of the breeding tree, and the gradient upgrade law of sustainable development. Following these laws, Chinese geographers have made great contributions to the research and development of China's urban agglomerations, which focuses on academic theory, technical method, decision support and planning practice. We developed and scientifically defined the concept of urban agglomeration, and first adopted the identification standard of urban agglomeration space. We established the spatial intensive development and layout simulation decision support technology chain in urban agglomeration, and developed related software chain. We laid out the new pattern of 5+9+6 in the spatial organization of China's urban agglomerations, and formulated the first China's urban agglomeration planning technical regulation. We completed the development plan of most urban agglomerations in China, which has become an important basis for decision-making at the national level. In the future, geographers will play a growing role and shoulder the responsibility in the development of Chinese urban agglomerations. We should combine qualitative and quantitative methods, and use big data and intelligent decision support technology to solve a series of problems in the development of this cause. Only in this way can Chinese geographers make greater contributions to the development of urban agglomerations. [方创琳, 王振波, 马海涛. 中国城市群形成发育规律的理论认知与地理学贡献. 地理学报, 2018, 73(4): 651-665.]
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Urban agglomeration has been the inevitable result of China's rapid industrialization and urbanization over the last 30 years. Since the early 2000s, urban agglomeration has become the new regional unit participating in international competition and the division of labor. China has declared urban agglomeration the main spatial component of new types of urbanization over the next decade as clarified at the first Central Urbanization Working Conference and in the National New-type Urbanization Plan (2014?2020). However, research on urban agglomeration remains weak and needs to be strengthened. From 1934 to 2013, only 19 papers published in Acta Geographica Sinica contained the theme of urban agglomeration (0.55% of the total number of articles published) and the first paper on urban agglomeration appeared less than 10 years ago. Despite a small number of divergent studies, this work has contributed to and guided the formation of the overall pattern of urban agglomeration in China. For example, spatial analyses have promoted the formation of the fundamental framework of China's urban agglomeration spatial structure and guided the National New-type Urbanization Plan; spatial identification standards and technical processes have played an important role in identifying the scope and extent of urban agglomeration; serial studies have facilitated pragmatic research; and problems with the formation and development of urban agglomeration have provided a warning for future choices and Chinese development. Future research into urban agglomeration in China should (1) review and examine new problems in China's urban agglomeration options and cultivation; (2) critically consider urban agglomeration when promoting the formation of the 5+9+6 spatial pattern; (3) rely on urban agglomeration to construct new urbanization patterns such as 'stringing the agglomerations with the axis, supporting the axis with the agglomerations'; and (4) deepen national awareness about resources, environment effects and environmental carrying capacity in high density urban agglomerations, management and government coordination innovation, the construction of public finance and fiscal reserve mechanisms, the technical regulation of urban agglomeration planning, and standards for identifying the scope and extent of urban agglomeration. [方创琳. 中国城市群研究取得的重要进展与未来发展方向. 地理学报, 2014, 69(8): 1130-1144.]
中国的城市群是近30年来伴随国家新型工业化和新型城镇化发展到较高阶段的必然产物,自21世纪初期城市群成为国家参与全球竞争与国际分工的全新地域单元之后,中国连续10年把城市群提升为推进国家新型城镇化的空间主体,首次召开的中央城镇化工作会议和《国家新型城镇化规划 (2014-2020年)》进一步明确了城市群作为推进国家新型城镇化的主体地位。然而,城市群在中国的研究目前尚处在亟待加强的薄弱环节。系统总结从1934-2013年的80年间发表在地理学报的城市群主题论文,只有不到19篇,仅占总篇数的0.55%,不仅发表篇数少,而且发表时间短,首次发表城市群研究成果不到10年,研究单位和作者群体集中,研究内容瞄准国家需求但比较发散。即便如此,仅有的城市群研究成果还是对国家城市群总体格局的形成起到了引领作用,做出了重要贡献。具体体现在,提出的城市群空间格局推动国家形成了中国城市群空间结构的基本框架,引导国家新型城镇化规划把城市群作为推进新型城镇化的主体形态,提出的城市群空间范围识别标准与技术流程对界定国家城市群范围起到了重要作用,提出的城市群系列研究领域带动城市群的研究向着纵深与实用方向拓展,提出的中国城市群形成发育中存在的问题对未来城市群的选择与发展起到了警示作用。以这些研究进展和成果为基础,未来中国城市群选择与培育的重点方向为:以问题为导向,深刻反思检讨中国城市群选择与发育中暴露出的新问题;以城市群为主体,重点推动形成“5+9+6”的中国城市群空间结构新格局;以城市群为依托,重点推动形成“以轴串群、以群托轴”的国家城镇化新格局;以国家战略需求为导向,继续深化对城市群形成发育中重大科学问题的新认知,包括深入研究城市群高密度集聚的资源环境效应,科学求解城市群高密度集聚的资源环境承载力,创新城市群形成发育的管理体制和政府协调机制,研究建立城市群公共财政制度与公共财政储备机制,研究制定城市群规划编制技术规程与城市群空间范围界定标准等。
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Urban agglomeration is not only the main form of new urbanization, but also the incubator of innovation. Theoretically, there is a complex interaction between urbanization subsystem and innovation subsystem in urban agglomeration. The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration is a national-level urban agglomeration designated by the national new urbanization planning, and it takes "the new engine of national innovation-driven economic growth" as its core function positioning. Therefore, exploring the coupling relationship between urbanization process and innovation and development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration is beneficial to understand the relationship between urbanization and innovation and the development of this urban agglomeration. The comprehensive evaluation index system of urbanization and innovation is constructed by combing the internal theoretical relationship between two subsystems of urbanization and innovation. With the help of coupling coordination degree model and geo-detector factor detection method, this paper analyzes the evolution process and mechanism of coupling coordination relationship between urbanization and innovation in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration. The findings: (1) The comprehensive level of urbanization and innovation in the study area presents a trend of steady growth, and the coupling and coordination relationship between urbanization and innovation also develops in a good direction on the whole, but the comprehensive level and coupling relationship are different in space. Specifically, the gap between the high level of Beijing and Tianjin and the overall low level of 11 cities in Hebei is obvious. (2) The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration has been characterized by the coupling coordination type of innovation lag since 2007. Moreover, most of the cities in recent years show the type of coupling coordination of innovation lag, which can be clearly concluded that the main reason for the coupling coordination level of this urban agglomeration in the past period of time is that the innovation level is relatively inadequate to support the urbanization. (3) The interaction between urbanization and innovation in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration is very significant, especially the impact of economic urbanization and social urbanization on innovation, and the impact of innovation resources on urbanization is more prominent. It is also found that the role of innovation ability in promoting urbanization is relatively inadequate during the study period. In the future, the key direction of promoting the coordination level of urbanization and innovation coupling in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration is to accelerate the improvement of urban agglomeration and the comprehensive level of innovation in each city. [马海涛, 卢硕, 张文忠. 京津冀城市群城镇化与创新的耦合过程与机理. 地理研究, 2020, 39(2): 303-318.]
城市群是国家新型城镇化的主体形态,也是创新的孵化器;城市群区域的城镇化子系统与创新子系统之间理论上存在复杂交互关系。京津冀城市群是国家新型城镇化规划确定的国家级城市群,并将“全国创新驱动经济增长新引擎”作为其核心功能定位,因此有必要探索京津冀城市群的城镇化过程与创新发展之间的耦合关系,这对理解城镇化与创新之间的关系和京津冀城市群的发展问题都有裨益。通过梳理城镇化与创新两个子系统之间的内在理论关系,构建城镇化与创新的综合评价指标体系,借助耦合协调度模型和地理探测器因子探测方法,分析京津冀城市群城镇化与创新两子系统之间的耦合协调关系演变过程及作用机理。研究发现:① 京津冀城市群城镇化和创新的综合水平都呈现稳步增长的趋势,城镇化与创新的耦合协调关系总体向好的方向发展,但综合水平和耦合关系的空间差异都较大;② 创新滞后是京津冀城市群城镇化与创新耦合协调水平提升的关键阻力,近年京津冀城市群地区及多数城市表现为创新滞后的耦合协调类型;③ 京津冀城市群城镇化与创新的交互影响非常显著,特别是经济城镇化和社会城镇化对创新的影响、创新资源对城镇化的影响表现比较突出。
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[史雅娟, 朱永彬, 黄金川. 中原城市群产业分工格局演变与功能定位研究. 经济地理, 2017, 37(11): 84-91.]
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[孙久文, 原倩. 京津冀协同发展战略的比较和演进重点. 经济社会体制比较, 2014(5): 1-11.]
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[祝合良, 叶堂林, 张贵祥. 京津冀蓝皮书:京津冀发展报告(2018). 北京: 社会科学文献出版社, 2018.]
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[唐子来, 赵渺希. 经济全球化视角下长三角区域的城市体系演化: 关联网络和价值区段的分析方法. 城市规划学刊, 2010(1): 29-34.]
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[王建军, 许学强. 城市职能演变的回顾与展望. 人文地理, 2004, 19(3): 12-16.]
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[吴康. 京津冀城市群职能分工演进与产业网络的互补性分析. 经济与管理研究, 2015, 36(3): 63-72.]
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[张晓涛, 易云锋, 王淳. 价值链视角下的京津冀城市群职能分工演变: 2003—2016: 兼论中国三大城市群职能分工水平差异. 宏观经济研究, 2019(2): 116-132, 160.]
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Venture capital is an effective driving force in the collaborative innovation of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration. Based on the Zero2 IPO database, this study analyzed the spatiotemporal distribution of urban venture capital using social network theory and examined the mechanism of this distribution using a gravity model and panel data regression. The results show that, first, the gross venture capital of this urban agglomeration showed a four-year-period fluctuation. Second, the distribution is becoming less uneven due to the spin-off effects of Beijing, Tianjin, and Tangshan, where venture capital has concentrated in the past years. Third, venture capital flows between different cities are gradually forming a network with strong connection between core and peripheral cities, as well as weak connection between peripheral cities. The distribution of venture capital has become more even between different stages of entrepreneurship. With regard to the influencing factors of this distribution, information infrastructure and economic development have played significant positive roles, while innovation activities are not keeping in pace with venture capital flows partially due to the underdevelopment of financial instruments and service sectors. [方嘉雯, 刘海猛. 京津冀城市群创业风险投资的时空分布特征及影响机制. 地理科学进展, 2017, 36(1): 68-77.]
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Interurban technology transfer becomes an essential channel for regions or cities to obtain external knowledge. Based on patent transaction data among cities during 2005-2015, this study investigates the interurban technology transfer network of Northeast China, aiming to explore spatial evolution of technology transfer network in this region from national to local perspectives based on social network analysis (SNA). A negative binomial regression analysis further reveals the factors of interurban technology transfer network. The results of the study are as follows: (1) From the national perspective, the interurban technology transfer network of Northeast China presents a core-periphery structure. The spatial pattern of "divergence in the northeast region" and "convergence in the coastal areas" has been formed. (2) From the local perspective, the technology transfer network of Northeast China shows a centripetal contraction situation, and its four hubs, namely, Harbin, Changchun, Shenyang and Dalian, play the role of technology gatekeeper. The interurban technology transfer flows present the characteristic of strengthening nationalization and weakening localization, which are more likely to emerge between the Northeast-Southeast China rather than among the Northeast China. (3) Both path-dependence and path-creation exist in the spatial dynamics of intercity technology flows in Northeast China. From the national perspective, technology flows from Northeast China to the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta urban agglomerations with Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen as the core respectively, while the local intercity technology transfer in Northeast China presents a mixed diffusing mode including hierarchical, contagious and jump diffusions. In addition, the local network mainly focuses on intra-provincial technology flows which centered on Haibin, Changchun, Shenyang and Dalian. (4) Some drivers, such as geographical proximity, the similarity of industrial structure, economic differences, the similarity of innovation capability, technology absorptive capacity, foreign direct investment, are evidenced to play a significant or determining role in interurban technology transfer of Northeast China. [刘承良, 牛彩澄. 东北三省城际技术转移网络的空间演化及影响因素. 地理学报, 2019, 74(10): 2092-2107.]
从全国—本地视角,以东北三省为研究区,基于2005-2015年的专利权转移数据,融合社会网络、GIS空间分析和计量方法,定量刻画东北三省技术转移网络的空间演化规律。结果显示:① 全国视角下东北三省城际技术转移网络呈现“核心—边缘”等级层次性结构,形成了专利技术由东北辐散向全国沿海辐合的空间格局。② 本地视角下东北三省技术转移网络呈现出向心收缩结网态势,“哈长沈大”四大核心城市在本地网络中扮演“技术守门者”角色。技术转移表现出“强全国化,弱本地化”特征。③ 东北三省城际技术流动既存在路径依赖,也不断涌现路径创造。全国视角下,技术转移以东北三省核心城市为流源,基本流向以北京、上海和深圳分别为枢纽的京津冀、长三角和珠三角城市群。本地城际技术转移以哈尔滨、长春、沈阳、大连为集散中心,集中于省内转移,呈现等级、接触和跳跃式混合扩散空间模式。④ 地理距离接近度、产业结构相似度、经济水平差异度、创新能力相似度、技术吸收能力、外商直接投资对东北三省城际技术转移存在一定影响。
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The concept of megalopolis, since its original inception six decades ago, has inspired many new terms that mainly describe large-scale urbanized forms such as megaregions and polycentric urban regions. However, recent studies have increasingly focused on the two key functions that megalopolises act as an incubator of new ideas and trends and as a hub that articulates knowledge exchange at the megalopolitan, national, and global scales. While the recent studies have mainly analyzed the functional aspects of megalopolis based on China's Yangtze River Delta region, this paper investigates the evolving process and mechanisms of knowledge collaboration within and beyond Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) - one of the most promising and vibrant megalopolises in China. In addition, the GBA megalopolis is unique because it contains Hong Kong and Macao, which have a different political system from China's mainland. Drawing upon a dataset of publications that were indexed in Web of Science Core Collection during the 1990-2016 period, this paper uses the Gini coefficient to measure the degree of knowledge polycentricity of the GBA megalopolis. Here, knowledge polycentricity is further classified into attribute polycentricity of knowledge production and functional polycentricity of knowledge collaboration within and beyond the GBA megalopolis. Whereas the attribute polycentricity refers to the distribution inequality of the total publications of GBA cities, the functional polycentricity represents the distribution inequality of GBA cities' knowledge collaboration at different geographical scales. Our empirical results show: (1) knowledge production of the GBA megalopolis as a whole has experienced a robust and continuous growth. The degrees of both attribute polycentricity and functional polycentricity have also been on the increase in general, although there are some fluctuations in early years and some deviations in recent years. During the ten years after Hong Kong and Macao returned to China (the 2000-2010 period), the degree of knowledge polycentricity of the GBA megalopolis especially enjoyed the fastest rise; (2) The degree of functional polycentricity decreased with the expansion in the geographical scales at which it is measured, confirming the findings of previous studies that functional polycentricity is scale-dependent. Moreover, we find that the degree of functional polycentricity becomes more fluctuated at the global scale while it tends to increase continuously at the megalopolitan scale; (3) The evolving process of knowledge polycentricity of the GBA megalopolis is influenced by institutional proximity, geographical proximity and status proximity between cities. Specifically, the mobility of researchers, the collaboration of universities and research institutes, and the coordination of local governments are three major forces promoting the evolution of knowledge polycentricity of the GBA megalopolis. Overall, the increasing knowledge polycentricity would be of significance for the GBA megalopolis to form a knowledge-driven region of collective collaboration. [马海涛, 黄晓东, 李迎成. 粤港澳大湾区城市群知识多中心的演化过程与机理. 地理学报, 2018, 73(12): 2297-2314.]
基于1990-2016年“Web of Science”核心合集所收录的科研论文合著数据,借助基尼系数测度属性和功能多中心性的方法,对粤港澳大湾区城市群的知识多中心性及其知识网络的演化进行了研究。结果发现:① 伴随着粤港澳大湾区城市群知识生产总量的持续增长,其多中心性程度呈现出阶段性、阶梯式提升的特征,分别经历了波动、增长和分化的发展阶段,港澳回归后的2000-2010年间是多中心性快速增长的重要阶段。② 粤港澳大湾区城市群在区域、国家和全球尺度上的功能多中心性程度随着尺度增加逐级递减,进一步证实了功能多中心性的尺度规律性;而且发现了多中心在演化中的尺度敏感性,全球尺度上的多中心性会存在不确定的峰值,而区域尺度上的多中心性可能会持续增加。③ 城市群多中心的演化是受制度接近、地理接近和等级接近影响,在研究人员移动、科研单位联动和政府政策推动及其行动主体间的相互作用下实现的,多中心程度的增加有助于推动粤港澳大湾区城市群构建科研协同创新共同体。
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[刘卫东, 唐志鹏, 韩梦瑶, 等. 2012年中国31省区市区域间投入产出表. 北京: 中国统计出版社, 2018.]
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Economies grow by upgrading the products they produce and export. The technology, capital, institutions, and skills needed to make newer products are more easily adapted from some products than from others. Here, we study this network of relatedness between products, or "product space," finding that more-sophisticated products are located in a densely connected core whereas less-sophisticated products occupy a less-connected periphery. Empirically, countries move through the product space by developing goods close to those they currently produce. Most countries can reach the core only by traversing empirically infrequent distances, which may help explain why poor countries have trouble developing more competitive exports and fail to converge to the income levels of rich countries.
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[郭琪, 周沂, 贺灿飞. 出口集聚、企业相关生产能力与企业出口扩展. 中国工业经济, 2020(5): 137-155.]
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[孙久文, 丁鸿君. 京津冀区域经济一体化进程研究. 经济与管理研究, 2012, 33(7): 52-58.]
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