Effect of selective etching technique on tooth fragment reattachment
投稿时间:2016-01-22  修订日期:2016-03-11
中文关键词:  断冠再接  自酸蚀  全酸蚀  选择性酸蚀
英文关键词:Reattachment of tooth fragment  Self-etch  Total-etch  Selective etching
陈晖 上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院儿童口腔科, 上海 200011  
黄晓 上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院儿童口腔科, 上海 200011  
赵是民 上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院儿童口腔科, 上海 200011  
汪俊 上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院儿童口腔科, 上海 200011 wangjun202@126.com 
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      目的 探讨选择性酸蚀技术用于断冠再接的效果。方法 将50颗体外建立冠折模型的人下切牙随机分为5组,组1使用Easy One(EO)自酸蚀技术再接,组2使用EO选择性酸蚀技术再接,组3使用Clearfil S3 bond (CS3)自酸蚀技术再接,组4使用CS3选择性酸蚀技术再接,组5使用Single bond 2(SB2)全酸蚀技术再接。样本再接后测定剪切力或电镜观察,计算再接后强度恢复率。结果 组1与组2、组3与组4再接后强度恢复率无显著性差异(P>0.05)。SB2用于断冠再接后的剪切力及强度恢复率均最低,组5显著低于组2(P=0.043)及组3(P=0.043)。电镜下,SB2的粘接界面与EO和CS3存在差异。结论 选择性酸蚀技术的作用受粘接剂及粘接面状态影响,全酸蚀技术用于断冠再接没有优势。
      Objective To discuss the effect of selective etching technique on tooth crown fragment reattachment. Methods 50 fractured human mandibular incisors were obtained and randomly assigned into 5 groups. G1: reattaching with Easy one(EO) following a self-etch approach, G2: selective enamel etching before application of EO, G3: reattaching with Clearfil S3 bond (CS3) following a self-etch approach, G4: selective enamel etching before application of CS3, G5: reattaching with Single bond 2(SB2) following a total-etch approach. After reattaching, the fracture resistance was tested and the fracture morphology was observed using SEM. The recovery rate of fracture strength after reattachment (R) was also calculated. Results There was no significant difference in the R value between G1 and G2, G3 and G4(P>0.05) . Both the fracture resistance and the recovery rate of SB2 had the lowest value. The R value of G5 was significantly lower than that of G2(P=0.043) and G3 (P=0.043) . SEM photomicrograph of the bonding interface showed different micromorphology between EO and CS3. Conclusion The effect of selective etching depended on both the adhesives and the condition of the fracture surface. Total-etch had no superiority on tooth fragment reattachment.
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