A nonlinear thermal strain imaging method for in vivo ultrasound thermometry
投稿时间:2020-08-17  修订日期:2020-12-31
      Thermal therapies are playing important roles in tumor ablations and treatments of hypertension, during which in vivo thermometry is crucial for making treatment plans, improving the safety and reducing potential side effects. Two-dimensional thermal strain imaging (TSI) based on ultrasonic echo-shifts has recently attracted much interests, but is limited by the assumption therein that the thermal expansion and sound velocity are linear functions of tissue temperature. As a result, the temperature elevation range of TSI is often restricted to 37℃-50℃. In this work, the thermal expansion and sound velocity are assumed as nonlinear functions of temperature, and a nonlinear TSI model is proposed. Combined with a dynamic frame selection algorithm and adaptive filtering, which help to suppress the respiration and cardiac movement and reduce the temperature noise, the nonlinear TSI model is applied for thermometry in a microwave heating experiment targeting the perirenal fat of living pigs. In the results reported here, with good motion compensation is validated, while the temperature estimation error is within 2.5℃ for 30℃ tissue temperature rise.
中文关键词: 超声测温  非线性模型  运动补偿
英文关键词: Ultrasound thermometry  Nonlinear model  Motion compensation
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(81774408, 81973957, 11874216, 11674173, 11774168 and 11934009),声场声信息国家重点实验室开放课题(SKLA202012)
孙彪 南京大学物理学院 807094289@qq.com 
郭霞生 南京大学物理学院 guoxs@nju.edu.cn 
屠娟* 南京大学物理学院 juantu@nju.edu.cn 
章东 南京大学物理学院 dzhang@nju.edu.cn 
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