Experimental investigation on separation of oil from a microliter oil/water mixed drop using Lamb waves on an inclined mirror substrate
投稿时间:2018-06-15  修订日期:2019-03-01
      In this paper, Lamb wave has been applied to separate oil from a microliter oil/water mixed droplets on an inclined mirror substrate. The experiment mainly investigated the separation displacement characteristics of oil/water mixed droplet in the separation process. Using the equations of Navier-Stokes and acoustic streaming force, the theoretical analysis and explanation of results show that the driving force of the water droplet in the separation process is greater than the oil droplet. According to the control of experimental multivariables, the study of single variables, establishing the balance equation with the force of oil/water mixed droplet on the inclined mirror substrate, three main factors are demonstrated which influence the separation displacement, the excitation voltage, the plate inclination, and the oil/water volume ratio. It is found that under a certain oil/water volume ratio and a certain inclination of substrate, the separation displacement decreases with the increase in the input power. Under a certain excitation voltage and a certain inclination angle, the smaller the oil/water volume ratio, the shorter the separation displacement. When the oil/water volume ratio and the excitation voltage are fixed, the larger the inclination angle, the faster the separation.
中文关键词: 油水分离,兰姆波,分离位移,镜子基板
英文关键词: Oil/water  separation, Lamb  wave, Separation displacement, Mirror  substrate
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 (51505274), 上海市 “晨光计划” 项目 (15CG58), 上海市青年东方学者基金项目 (QD2015036)
关昭 上海工程技术大学 汽车工程学院 上海 Zhao_Guan@163.com 
梁威* 上海工程技术大学 汽车工程学院 上海 Wei_Liang222@126.com 
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