Tumor imaging using home-built ultrasound and photo-acoustic dual-modality imaging system
投稿时间:2017-01-05  修订日期:2017-04-14
      Currently, ultrasound imaging can provide the anatomical structure information of tissue based on the difference of acoustic impedance. However recent studies have found that photo-acoustic imaging can supply the distribution and functional information of labeled tissue components. In this study, we established a photo-acoustic (PA) ultrasound (US) dual-modality imaging system based on a pulsed laser and a commercialized ultrasound imaging system, which achieved both structural imaging (US imaging) and functional imaging (PA imaging). Firstly, due to the absorption coefficient of hemoglobin on certain laser wavelength, we acquired the image of the vascular perfusion inside the tumor; then, using some nano particles conjugated with targeted antibody as photo-acoustic contrast agent, we acquired the photo-acoustic images of the blood vessel distribution inside and on the surface of the malignant tumor. Finally, we can acquire both structural and functional information of tumor and its vasculature, through fusing the US PA images.
中文关键词: 光声超声双模态成像系统  靶向光声造影剂 肿瘤成像
英文关键词: PA  US dual-modality  imaging system, targeted  photoacoustic contrast  agent, tumor  imaging
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 (11374231, 11574231, 11674249), 国家 863 项目 (2012AA022606)
陈域迪 同济大学声学所 marc.corpse@foxmail.com 
陈盈娜 同济大学声学所 1610532@tongji.edu.cn 
覃宇 同济大学声学所 1610546@tongji.edu.cn 
潘晶 同济大学声学所 1631901@tongji.edu.cn 
陆巍 上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院 wellu@163.com 
谭庆刚 同济大学材料科学与工程学院 tanqg@163.com 
易勇 深圳华声医疗技术有限公司 yiyong@wisonic.cn 
蒋勇 深圳华声医疗技术有限公司 bob@wisonic.cn 
程茜* 上海市杨浦区四平路1239号 q.cheng@tongji.edu.cn 
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